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b'BreathingSpeechSPEECH & LANGUAGEStrengthens muscles ofinhalation and exhalationErgonomic design11 total for improved gripdial settingsInspiratory andnFor patients Designed toexpiratory settingswith vocalpromote lip seal adjust independentlyfatigueTheraSIP VocalSTRAWFor voice BREATHINGSPEECHrehabilitation using Semi-OccludedAppropriate for children Vocal Tracteight years and older(SOVT) exercises. Stainless steel tube with five small bored holes and two tube inserts. Use the5 exhale settings 6 inhale settingsclosed tube insert for increased difficulty and the open-ended insert for decreased difficulty. Includes exercise regimen, four telescoping straws, case, lanyard, and cleaning brush.#2970011164 VOCALSTRAW EACH California residents, see left page. THE BREATHER is a Respiratory Muscle Training (RMT) device that is effective in rebuilding strength in both inspiratory and expiratory muscles of respiration. Trains diaphragmatic breathing to improve breath support for speech production, swallow safety, productive cough, and helps reduce dyspnea. This unique, ergonomic handheld tool features 11 independent settings to strengthen both inhalation and exhalation and can be used with breathing or speaking valves. Great for post-intubation therapy.1 18 "W x 5 116 "L x 1 78 "HClean with soap and water#2970010913 BLUEEACH #2970011156 PINKEACH#2970010915 BLUE 10/CASE #2970021382 PINK 10/CASE#2970010917 BLUE 50/CASE #2970021384 PINK 50/CASECalifornia residents, see left page.California residents, see left page.FAX800.437.2966Scan for more details and video resources, including:n How to use THE BREATHERn How to breathe during training Read our case study on THE BREATHERn How to clean THE BREATHER atAliMed.com/breather-resourcesPlus, THE BREATHER app! AliMed.com 888.226.3288n Tests air-flow pressureSee-Scape Detects nasal emissions of airn Two levels of exercise during speech. When tip is placed in childs nares,Breath BuildersAn easy-to-use tool that requires any emission of air causes the float to rise in the rigid plastic tube. Instant visual feedback and anchildren to exhale and inhale through a tube to keepGivesindication of air-flow pressure and velopharyngealthe ball at the top of the chamber. Makes a gamevisual incompetence. Tests air-flow pressure rather thanout of deep lung breathing with visual feedback. nasality, which indicates a lack of velopharyngealHelps children with neurological or physicalfeedbackcompetence perceived as hypernasality. Can beimpairments or who simply lack adequate breath used for both treatment and home practice.support. Deeper breathing helps sustain sounds and promotes stronger speech. Two tubes for different Contains: Device, two nasal tips, and manualRubberlevels of exercise.base adheres to table Nontoxic, dishwasher-safeInstruction sheet included #2970010513 SEE-SCAPE KIT KITColors may vary#2970010514 ADDITIONAL NASAL TIP 6/PACK #2970010511 BREATH BUILDER EACHNote: This product cannot be returned.California residents, see left page. California residents, see left page. LOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 99'