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b'Bassinets and AccessoriesCLINICAL FURNISHINGS & CARTSBassinet Mattresses Bassinet Basketsand PadsnFits Novum Medical BassinetsnFits Novum Medical Bassinet Baskets n Fits Blickman Bassinets Novum Medical Bassinet Baskets fit BASSINETS AND ACCESSORIESall Novum Medical Bassinets. Basket is clear Novum Medical Bassinet MattressesBassinet BasketsClear molded acrylic withPolycarbonate with rigid one-piece construction. conform to all federal regulations. Outside cover 3"W x 5"L cardholder for easy identification. Basket3"W x 5"H card holder at head end and vent is stain- and odor-resistant, antibacterial, and flame- rests on specially formed support rods so it canholes on bottom. Mattress conforms to all retardant. Not made with natural rubber latex. Fitsbe set in the flat or Trendelenburg position. Fitsfederal regulations. Outside cover is stain- and all Novum Medical Baskets.Blickman Bassinets. odor-resistant, antibacterial, and flame-retardant. 12"W x 253/4"L x 2"HMeets CAL 117 standards 16"W x 31"L x 9 14 "H Not made with natural rubber latex.#2970012926 MATTRESS EACH #2970017515 BASSINET BASKET EACH Basket: 13"W x 26"L x 10"HMattress: 12"W x 253/4"L x 2"HMeets CAL 117 standardsCalifornia residents, see left page. California residents, see left page#2970012927 BASSINET BASKET EACH#2970012926 MATTRESS EACHCalifornia residents, see left page.BassinetsFAX800.437.2966Two self-closing cabinet doorswith quiet hinge system AliMed.com 888.226.3288nPressure relief and shear reduction n Lift infant without bending over n Create Trendelenburg from either endAliGel Isolette and Bassinet Pads Pedigo Bassinet allows a close approachNovum Medical Bassinets are constructed of are made of a unique gel formula that mimicsfrom all sides. Convenient, strong stainless steelheavy-gauge polished stainless steel for safety and fatty tissue to move with the patient, making themdrawer. Select either sturdy Stainless Steel ordurability. Non-marking casters with threadguard. ideal for gentle pressure relief and shear reductionChrome-Plated steel frame. Optional 1" thick clearTrendelenburg may be created from either end. for pediatric and neonatal patients. Available in twoplastic Infant Basket can be raised at either end. 3"Deep, secure basket well. Optional Bassinet widths. double ball-bearing, swivel casters. Bassinet PadBasket and Mattress sold separately (above).not included.31"W x 373/4"H x 17"DCabinet: 27"W x 161/4"H x 16"D 26"L x " thick100% gel Bassinet frame: 31"L x 18 18 "W x 373/4"HStainless steel3" swivel, ball-bearing casters #2970012700 12"W EACH #2970013256 STAINLESS STEEL EACH (2 braking, 2 steering)Lifetime warranty on all steel #2970012702 16"W EACH #2970013257 CHROME-PLATED EACH components (1 year on other parts)California residents, see left page. California residents, see left page. #2970012925 BASSINET EACHCalifornia residents, see left page.LOG IN FOR PRICINGat AliMed.com 33'