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b'Language BuildersSPEECH & LANGUAGEPreschool Vocabulary Cards ConceptsSimple, engaging pictures help children link words to ideas and learn more than 160 essential concepts. Full-color illustrations reflect experiences of preschoolers and vocabulary reflects words they hear every day. Provides flexible stimuli in all areas of language building. Eight categories of age-LANGUAGE BUILDERSappropriate, high-frequency concepts: CDAttributes (e.g., loud, quiet, old, young) Colors, shapes, and numbers ColorCardsStory StartersBoosts creativesuggestions for each category and CD allows each conversation and thinking for building expressivecard to be printed for individual use. Contents are Emotions and feelings (e.g., happy, sad)Functional and social (e.g., no, yes, mine) language, storytelling, or creative writing. Eachin English and eight other languages. Position (e.g., inside, outside, under, over) card includes an image for the opening of aContains: 30 full-color cards (8" x 12"), manual,Quantity (e.g., empty, some, many) narrative. Images are grouped into fantasy, real- CD, boxSize (e.g., big, bigger, biggest) life adventure, travel, and mystery. Some images Temporal (e.g., night, day, before, after) could relate to more than one category and can#2970010921 STORY STARTERS SET240 coated cards (3 12 " x 5") be used any way the child sees. Manual offersCalifornia residents, see left page.#2970011010 VOCABULARY CARDS CONCEPTS BOXCalifornia residents, see left page.FAX800.437.2966Buddy Bear and Becca Bunny 5-book Sets, Beth Respess, Kelly Malone, and Karen StantzUse these captivating books in circle timeor for individual work with children ages 3 to 7 as AliMed.com 888.226.3288they interact with every page by placing vinyl-cling stickers and answering the questions. The stories are perfect for youngsters in early intervention, including those with autism and developmental delays. Simple sentences with a repetitive story format build language and early literacy skills.Language Builder Verbs & Action Words natural settings, and include plenty of context Uncluttered, adorable artwork. Stickers are storedPhoto cards help recognize and name a largeclues to make identification easy and fun with in the book and keep their cling with a wipe ofselection of action words. Images show people great topics for discussion. Each card back is a damp cloth. Associations relates activities toof various ages, genders, and ethnicities engaging numbered with a label for the featured image, specific items. Basic Questions includes what,in a range of common activities to practice learningand lists suggested activities for which the card where, when, who, and why. gender, pronouns, and full sentences. Many verbis targeted. Includes activity booklet with more Each topic set contains five different 9-page books,cards also offer more than one example to increasedetailed instruction ideas.vinyl-cling stickers, suggested uses, vinyl folder generalization of learned words such as "blowing,"Contains: 530 cards (5" x 3"), activity booklet, boxwhich shows someone blowing a whistle, blowing #2970011008 ASSOCIATIONS SET bubbles, blowing out a candle, and blowing their#2970011140 VERBS & ACTION WORDS BOX#2970011009 BASIC QUESTIONS SET nose. Images are current, familiar, featured inCalifornia residents, see left page.California residents, see left page.LOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 93'