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b'IMAGING/SURGICAL POSITIONERSLower Extremity Positioners Position-SSets pecific, p. 12Sold individuallyContoured Leg Rests position and protectDome PositionersLower profile helpsHeel CupsRecommended for heel knee or calf from pressure. Also use toprevent footdrop in prone while providingprotection during supine surgical procedures GEL ALIBLUEstabilize patients head while in supine.pressure protection under knees when patient is inwhere the heel is most susceptible to pressuresupine. Use under the metatarsal or under the foot,injuries. Provides protection without constricting 7"W x 7"L x 314"H112" contour4.2 lbs.against the board or in Semi-Fowlers. adjustability.#2970017937 CONTOURED LEG REST EACH 6"W x 14"L x 3"H7.2 lbs. 314"W x 6"L x 1"H1 lb. California residents, see left page.#2970017926 DOME POSITIONER EACH #2970017950 HEEL CUP EACH California residents, see left page. California residents, see left page.Boot Stirrup Pads shown in a Lithotomy BootKnee Crutch and Individual PadsUse Ankle Stirrup Pads protect ankles fromto cover a knee crutch in lithotomy position. nerve damage and shear. Allows full view ofAlso use between knees in lateral position, orLithotomy Boot Stirrup PadsIdealfeet and include straps and hooks. Adjustable tounder sacrum in supine. for universal stirrups where pads protect ensure proper fit.Small: 9"W x 11"L x38 "H1.3 lbs.Medium: 11"W x 17"L xpatients lower leg and heel areas from shear. Small: 1 34 "W x 1212"L x38 " thick0.9 lbs.Large: 1 34 "W14"H2.5 lbs.Large: 20"W x 22"L x 12"H8.1 lbs.Place inside lithotomy boot to protect against x 1714"L x12 " thick0.99 lb.nerve damage.#2970017949 SMALL EACH 14"L x 1012"W (top) x 6"W (bottom) x 14" thick3.5 lbs.#2970017930SMALL PAIR #2970017948 MEDIUM EACH#2970017989 LARGEPAIR #2970017952 LARGE EACH #2970017996 BOOT STIRRUP PAD PAIRFAX800.437.2966 California residents, see left page. California residents, see left page. California residents, see left page. Surface OverlaysFull-Length Small AliMed.com 888.226.3288Foot Medium SectionFracture Foot Pads for use on leg-prepHeadTorso stand and fracture table foot holders. Section Section4"W x 12"L x 14" thick0.45 lb. ONE-PIECE SURFACE OVERLAY#2970017997 FRACTURE FOOT PADEACH Surface Overlays provide a 1/2"-thick layer of#2970017931FULL-LENGTH EACH California residents, see left page.gel protection to help reduce the risk of pressure#2970017923MEDIUM EACHinjuries and skin shear during long procedures.#2970017995MEDIUM w/CUTOUT EACHChoose One-Piece or Segmented styles. #2970017933SMALL EACHSEGMENTED SURFACE OVERLAYAliBlue Gel12" thickOne-Piece Surface Overlay: Full-Length: 20"W x#2970017934HEAD SECTION EACH72"LMedium: 20"W x 46"LMedium w/Cutout: 20"W x Patient Positioning Sets4612"LSmall: 20"W x 20"LSegmented Surface Overlay:#2970017932TORSO w/CUTOUT EACHSave even more!p. 12 Head: 20"W x 9"LTorso w/Cutout: 20"W x 3912"LFoot#2970017963FOOT w/CUTOUT EACHw/Cutout: 20"W x 20"L California residents, see left page. LOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 11'