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b'Communication AidsHelp communicate basic needs SPEECH & LANGUAGECOMMUNICATION AIDSFront New full-color illustrations n Health-related communicationLaminated, large two-sided formatHealth Care Communication Boards help Economical Backclients to communicate medical, physical, and emotional information. The 70 pictures, alphabet,Critical Communicatorassists withCRITICAL COMMUNICATORand numbers on tables of 50 disposable cards canstaff and family interactions for all clients.#2970011169 ENGLISH 10/PACKbe used in long- or short-term situations, atHelps meet mandated communication#2970011171 SPANISH10/PACKbedside, in therapy sessions, or can be left withguidelines. Helpful for those who have clients. English only. temporary difficulty communicating evenAdditional languages available at AliMed.com. basic needs. Includes pain scale as well as pictures andCalifornia residents, see left page.#2970010828 COMMUNICATION BOARD 4/PACK words to indicate basic and immediate needs, pain type California residents, see left page. and location, comfort, people, alphabet, and numbers.11" x 17"Writing and Typing AidsFAX800.437.2966Allows unobstructed view of keyboard AliMed.com 888.226.3288n Padded typing aidnFor children with limited hand use Clear View Typing Aids fit securely and n Slips onto pens,Adjustable Head Pointers for children withoffer an unobstructed view of the keyboard.pencils, and more limited hand use. Can be used as a keyboard aid,Padding protects hands. Can be used by those Weighted Universal Pen and Pencilpencil holder, for turning pages, drawing, painting,with finger contractures that interfere with Holders easily slip onto pens, pencils, markers,and pushing in switches. Lightweight plastic bandsdevices worn on palmar surface of hand. Easily paint brushes, and more. Weighted grip has asecured by metal hardware and topped by a 19"Ladjusts to t. variable diameter that can be adjusted from1 8 " toaluminum rod. Comfortable padded forehead with#2970011273 LEFT EACH 716 ". Includes Allen wrench for easy adjustment. adjustable headband and pointer rod. Includes#2970011274 RIGHT EACH removable pencil holder.#2970010585 WEIGHTED UNIVERSAL HOLDER EACH #2970010698 ADJUSTABLE HEAD POINTER EACH * Developed by S. OLeary, M.S., OTR, Department California residents, see left page. of Veterans Affairs, Spinal Cord Injury Service, California residents, see left page. Palo Alto, CA. California residents, see left page.LOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 97'