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b"Drinking AidsACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVINGComplete line of mugs to meet a variety of needsRed cups and lids help with visualContoured spout lids helpAdaptive Mugs assistand cognitive impairments direct flow of liquid into mouthwith drinking independence for patients with weakened hands, limited mobility, or dysphagia. Red style helps visually impaired patients more easily recognize cups, helping to increase liquid intake, while Clear Two-Handled Mugs offer wider bases for added stability. Choose One or Two Handles depending on patient's levelof impairment. Long, open handles areEach mug includes two Lids toClear Mug with Two Handles Anti-splash lids controleasier to grip and facilitatehelp reduce spillage and assist withhas a wider base for added stabilityspilling and limit flow secure one-handed graspDRINKING AIDSdysphagia feeding strategies: Anti-Splash Lids control spilling and limitCLEAR MUGflow with two-sized openings, andSIZE HANDLES LID ITEM # QTYITEM # QTY ITEM # QTYFeeding Spout Lids are contoured to8 oz ONE CLEAR #2970010577 EACH #2970010578 20/PACKfit the mouth and feature a flow-control8 oz TWO CLEAR #2970011246 EACH #2970011247 10/PACK #2970011248 20/PACKvent; both can accommodate straws.10 oz ONE CLEAR #2970010568 EACH #2970010570 10/PACKOptional FloLids have rubber stoppers10 oz TWO CLEAR #2970011022 EACH #2970011023 10/PACK #2970011024 20/PACKthat automatically control flow volume for greater drinking independence, and10 oz TWO RED #2970011020 EACH #2970011021 10/PACKNosey Lids allow for safe drinking forRED MUGdysphagia patients or those with limited10 oz TWO CLEAR #2970011025 EACH #2970011026 10/PACK #2970011027 20/PACKneck motion (both sold separately).California residents, see left page.Holds 8 or 10 oz.PlasticSafe for warmLIDS ONLYor cold liquidsDishwasher-safeMade#2970010912 ANTI-SPLASH 3/PACK #2970011029 FLOLIDS 6/PACKin USA #2970010933 FEEDING SPOUT6/PACK #2970011030 NOSEY 6/PACKCalifornia residents, see left page.n Clear designTransparent MugsStable, broad base for people with poor coordination.FAX800.437.2966Holds 10 oz.PlasticDishwasher- and microwave-safeClear 10-cc Cup#2970011260 MUGEACH#2970011261 MUG20/CASE#2970011332 REPLACEMENT LIDEACH AliMed.com 800.225.2610#2970011333 REPLACEMENT LID10/CASECalifornia residents, see left page.n Warm or cold liquids 5-cc Cupn Oval shape Almond Green Kennedy Spillproof Cups can be used in n Controlled fluid deliverya fully reclined position. Lids sold separately. Weighted-BaseHolds 7 oz.PlasticDishwasher-safeWarm or coldProvale Cups5-cc and 10-cc measured DysphagialiquidsNot recommended for hot liquidsCleardose in dual-handled cup. Reduces air intake and Cups Weightedspillage. Controlled fluid delivery for those with base, wide handle.CUP swallowing problems.Oval shape for nose#2970010565 CUP EACH Holds 5 cc or 10 ccPlasticDishwasher-safe clearance.#2970010566 CUP 6/CASEHolds 8 oz.PlasticDishwasher-safeAutoclavable#2970010567 CUP 24/CASE #2970010789 5-cc CUP EACHLID #2970010790 5-cc CUP 5/CASE #2970010519 ALMONDEACH #2970010932 K-CUP 6/PACK #2970010791 10-cc CUP EACH#2970010518 GREENEACH #2970010933 SPOUT 6/PACK #2970010792 10-cc CUP 5/CASECalifornia residents, see left page. California residents, see left page. California residents, see left page.LOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 105"