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b'Hand/Thumb OrthosesORTHOPEDIC BRACINGTurquoise, MediumPurple,Spring-Loaded Goniometer Small features added spring for dynamic stretchn Adjustable C-bar Shown in Turquoise PDACEmerald Green,holds thumb in opposition APPROVEDLarge Opposition Hand/Thumb OrthosesOPPOSITION HAND/THUMB ORTHOSESSame features as Hand/Thumb Orthosis (p. 78)#2970003382 SMALL, PURPLE, LEFT EACHwith adjustable C-bar support to hold thumb in#2970003383 SMALL, PURPLE, RIGHT EACHHAND AND THUMBn Helps protect pressure areas opposition. Completely adjustable thumb position.#2970003380 MEDIUM, TURQUOISE, LEFT EACHFinger Separators add soft cushion to helpSide wings prevent ulnar/radial deviation. #2970003381 MEDIUM, TURQUOISE, RIGHT EACHprotect and prevent pressure areas betweenSpring-Loaded Goniometer model features#2970003378 LARGE, EMERALD GREEN, LEFT EACHfingers. Removable Terrycloth cover. added spring that applies dynamic stretch to push#2970003379 LARGE, EMERALD GREEN, RIGHT EACHwrist to desired degree of extension. Both modelsCalifornia residents, see left page.Sizing: Color-coded by size, see chart on p. 78. include removable Terrycloth cover. Choose Left or Right. Compatible with optional FingerSuggested code: L3807/L3809#2970002617 SMALL EACH Separator, sold separately at right.#2970002616 MEDIUM EACH Sizing: Color-coded by size, see chart on p. 78.#2970002615 LARGE EACHCalifornia residents, see left page.Adjust each fingerView our full line of Comfy Adult Elbowindependently and Hand/Wrist/Thumb SplintsAliMed.comFAX800.437.2966Shown inPDACLight Blue APPROVEDHand/Wrist Separate Finger Orthoses support wrist and hand, allowing custom adjustment of each finger individually.AliMed.com 888.226.3288Finger separator included. Nonremovable Comfyprene cover. Choose Left or Right.Sizing: See chart on p. 78. SIZE LEFT RIGHT QTYLIGHT BLUELARGE #2970002836 #2970002839 EACHDARK BLUELARGE #2970002837 #2970002840 EACHCalifornia residents, see left page.Suggested code: L3807/L3809 Scan to shop more styles atAliMed.comLOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 79'