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b'TapesCohesive Bandagesn Enhanced and patented FingerPrint technologyMATERIALSKinesio Tex Gold FP TapeOriginalITEM # COLORQTYwave-pattern design with enhanced and patentedROLL FingerPrint technology. Gold FP brings nano-touch#2970001028 BEIGE 6 ROLLS/BOXmicrostimulation to epidermis and layers beneath.#2970001029 BLUE 6 ROLLS/BOX Pre-Cut Mimics gentle human touch yet provides an effective hold. Breathable, higher-grade cotton.#2970001030 RED 6 ROLLS/BOX Lengths#2970001031 BLACK 6 ROLLS/BOXNew protected weave process for improvedPRE-CUT2"Wcomfort. Supports muscles in movement while allowing full range of motion. Choose Rolls or #2970001137 LOW BACK 20/BOXPre-Cut for easy application. Select by specific#2970001138 FOOT 20/BOX Kinesio Tex body part. Not made with natural rubber latex.#2970001139 KNEE 20/BOX Gold FP TapeWater-resistantRoll: 2"W x 5 12yards #2970001140 NECK 20/BOX#2970001142 SHOULDER 20/BOXCalifornia residents, see left page.TAPESCOHESIVE BANDAGESn Multiple options availableCo-Flexis self-adhesiveno clipsor fasteners needed. Maintainsconsistent compression with nonslipsupport. Contains latex. Color Packn Edema control 5 yds.Coban Elastic Wrap for edema control andn Easy to tear, not madestump wrapping. Self-adhering. Contains latex. with natural rubber latexITEM #W x L QTY Co-FlexNLSame features of Co-Flex with added benefits of being easy to tear by hand#2970003687 1" x 5 yds 30 ROLLS/BOX and not being made with natural rubber latex. Tan Pack#2970003688 2" x 5 yds 36 ROLLS/BOX 5 yds.#2970003689 3" x 5 yds 24 ROLLS/BOX Kids Pack#2970018361 4" x 5 yds 18 ROLLS/BOX CO-FLEX (CONTAINS LATEX)California residents, see left page. WIDTHTAN PACK COLOR PACK QTY 11 2 " #2970002423 #2970002422 48 ROLLS/CASE3" #2970002426 #2970002425 24 ROLLS/CASEScan for California residents, see left page. Smiley PackmoreCO-FLEXCO-FLEX NL (NOT MADE w/NATURAL RUBBER LATEX)WIDTHTAN PACK COLOR PACK KIDS PACK SMILEY PACK QTY products1" #2970002111 #2970002110#2970002109 30 ROLLS/CASEFAX800.437.2966online! 11 2 " #2970002429 #2970002428 48 ROLLS/CASE3" #2970002119 #2970002117 #2970002118 #2970002116 24 ROLLS/CASEAliMed.com/cohesive-bandages 6" #2970002431 #2970002431 12 ROLLS/CASECalifornia residents, see left page.Comfort Release Dressings AliMed.com 888.226.3288Pain-free removal that won\'t damage skinEasy, painless removalInnovative Comfort Release Dressingsare designed to create and maintain an optimal moist wound environment and, unlike traditional bandages, come off easilywith no pain or discomfort. Simply wetting the adhesive border with rubbing alcohol allows the bandage to lift easily from the skin and be repositioned without losing adhesion. Shop the full line of Comfort Release Dressingsat AliMed.com/comfort-release-dressingsLOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 63'