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b'AssessmentEarly TreatmentSPEECH & LANGUAGECD CDThe Rossetti Infant-Toddler LanguageKaufman Speech Praxis Test For Children,The Early Intervention Kits effectively Scale, Louis RossettiWorld-renowned scaleNancy R. KaufmanAssists in the diagnosis andaddress assessment, intervention, and identifies preverbal and verbal languagetreatment of developmental apraxia of speech indocumentation for pre-linguistic skills, speech and development problems in infants to three- preschool children. Identifies level of breakdownlanguage development, and sound production year-olds and provides essential informationin a child\'s ability to speak so treatment can befor children ages 0 to 3. Includes a Therapy for early intervention. Assesses Interaction- established and improvement tracked. Easy toGuide that covers information on assessment, ASSESSMENTEARLY TREATMENT Attachment, Pragmatics, Gesture, Play, Languageadminister and score in 5 to 15 minutes withgoals, treatment, and documentation. The Comprehension, and Language Expression.children age 1 to 5 years, 11 months. MeasuresActivities Book has more than 200 activities that Results reflect the childs mastery of skills in eachchild\'s imitative responses to the clinician, locatesaddress pre-linguistic skills, receptive language, of the areas assessed at three-month intervals.where child\'s speech system is breaking down,expressive language, and sound production in a Parent Questionnaire and report questions are inand points to a systematic course of treatment.developmental sequence. Educational handouts English and Spanish, found on the CD-ROM forCovers the hierarchy of simple to complex motorsupplement teaching and can be printed from the quick printing. The Discussion of Performancespeech movements: oral movement level, simpleCD. The Sign Language Cards include vocabulary section found in the Examiners Manual helpsphonemic/syllable level, and complex phonemic/words, the alphabet, and numbers 1-10. to make appropriate and educationally relevantsyllabic level. Individual sections help establishContains: 183-page therapy guide, 187-page activities recommendations for remediation.treatment goals and measure progress. book, CD, 88 sign language cards, and vinyl folderContains: Examiners manual, parent questionnaire (inContains: Manual, clinician\'s guide, 25 test booklets#2970011007 EARLY INTERVENTION KIT KITEnglish and Spanish on CD-ROM), and 15 test forms (each to be used twice), sturdy plastic briefcase California residents, see below.#2970011014 INFANT-TODDLER LANGUAGE SCALE KIT #2970010590 KAUFMAN SPEECH PRAXIS TEST KITCalifornia residents, see below. California residents, see below.FAX800.437.2966Preschool Apraxia Cards treat childhoodPreschool Phonology CardsJumbo-sizeImproving Overall Intelligibilityapraxia of speech with appealing preschool picturescards help preschoolers eliminate phonologicalSystematically improves intelligibility and reduces and an organized hierarchy of word selections andprocesses with endearing, simple illustrations andchildrens frustration of not being understood due prompts for children ages 3 to 7. Cards move fromfamiliar vocabulary. Words are printed below eachto apraxia, weak or imprecise articulation, and/basic syllable sequences to multisyllabic wordpicture to reinforce speech-to-print connection.or autism. Easily adapted to individual needs and 888.226.3288AliMed.com production in sentences. Nine sections of stimuliTargets six commonly occurring phonologicaldivided into two sections. Early Developing Sounds are arranged to give a precise progression from VC/ processes: include: /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/, /ng/, /m/, /n/, /j/, /h/, CV through multisyllabic words. Five-level cueingand /w/. Late Developing Sounds include: /f, /v/, Cluster reduction (e.g., cloud/loud)hierarchy on each card moves children throughvoiced and voiceless /th/, /l/, /dg/, /ch/, /sh/, /s/, /z/, Final consonant deletion (e.g., couch/cow)all levels as motor-planning skills improve. CueingFronting (e.g., kite/tight) and /r/. All activities are designed to help achieve hierarchy for sections 1 to 7: Cloze sentence,Gliding (e.g., ring/wing) intelligibility in connected speech and include Supply rhyming word, Answer a wh- question, SayInitial consonant deletion (e.g., chin/in) picture scene, scene-related page, wh- questions,target word three times, and Repeat a sentenceStopping (shower/tower) inference, compare/contrast, paraphrasing, problem that contains target word. Cueing hierarchy forUse cards for phonological process training,solving, social communication, and sequencing. sections 8 and 9: Say target word using forwardminimal pairs tasks, auditory discrimination andIncludes list of target words and answer key. chaining, Cloze sentence, Answer a wh- question,bombardment activities, and drills. 197 pages, softcover, wire binding, online access to 86 Say target word three times, and Repeat a240 coated cards (3 12 " x 5") full color printable pagessentence that contains target word. 240 coated cards (3 12 " x 5"), nine header cards #2970011012 PRESCHOOL PHONOLOGY#2970011011 IMPROVING OVERALL CARDS BOX INTELLIGIBILITY EACH#2970011013 PRESCHOOL APRAXIA CARDS BOX California residents, see below. California residents, see below.California residents, see below.California Proposition 65 StatementWARNING:This product can expose you to chemicals including Di(2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate (DEHP), which is known to the State 92 of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to https://www.p65warnings.ca.gov.'