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b'Universal Table Straps Strong and versatile for maximum stabilityPOSITIONING STRAPSn Economical strap for immobilization Also ideal forUniversal Table Straps are extraordinarily strong, highly versatile, and pre-configured toimaging proceduresmatch your table, allowing you to quickly and safely secure patients during any procedure. The red hook side adheres to either side of the soft blue loop for a strong hold that is safe against skin. Disposable for fast, easy cleanup and to help reduce cross-contamination risk. Easily shorten the One-Closure strap by overlapping or trimming the blue loop. With Two Closures, secure smaller patients by cinching up the side rail ends. Three-Closure strap allows for quick and easy patient access. All are available in multiple widths and UNIVERSAL TABLE STRAPSlengths for patients of any size. RadiolucentMetal-freeMR-safeLoopOne-Closure Strap encircles patient and table for a Hook simple yet strong holdStrong and durableyet soft against skinPre-cut with 3 configurations to match your tableA. Simplest B. Strongest C. Easy Rapid Patient AccessOne-pieceOne closureOne-pieceTwo closuresTwo-pieceThree closures Encircles patient and table Loops through side rails Loops through side railsBESTSELLER!One closure Two closures Three closuresFAX800.437.2966No side rails Side rails Side rails AliMed.com 888.226.3288A.SIMPLEST B.STRONGEST C.EASY RAPID PATIENT ACCESS ITEM # W x L QTY ITEM # W x L QTY ITEM # W x L QTY#2970011607 2" x 76" ROLL #2970013580 2" x 76" ROLL #2970011616 2" x 47"-76" ROLL#2970011611 2" x 96" ROLL #2970013581 2" x 96" ROLL #2970011617 3" x 47"-76" ROLL#2970013589 2" x 108" ROLL #2970013582 2" x 108" ROLL #2970013593 3" x 76"-108" ROLL#2970011608 3" x 76" ROLL #2970011673 3" x 65" ROLL #2970011618 4" x 47"-76" ROLL#2970011612 3" x 96" ROLL #2970013583 3" x 96" ROLL #2970013594 4" x 76"-108" ROLL#2970013590 3" x 108" ROLL #2970013584 3" x 108" ROLL #2970011619 6" x 47"-76" ROLL#2970011609 4" x 76" ROLL #2970011674 4" x 65" ROLL #2970013595 6" x 76"-108" ROLL#2970011613 4" x 96" ROLL #2970013585 4" x 96" ROLLCalifornia residents, see left page.#2970013591 4" x 108" ROLL #2970013586 4" x 108" ROLL#2970011610 6" x 76" ROLL #2970011675 6" x 65" ROLL#2970011615 6" x 96" ROLL #2970013587 6" x 96" ROLL#2970013592 6" x 108" ROLL #2970013588 6" x 108" ROLL California residents, see left page.California residents, see left page.LOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 7'