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b'A PACITYC A A PACITYC A PACITYC PACITYC AC 250 P A C 300 P A AC C C A P A C A P AY lbs. I T Y lbs. I T 350 400T Y T Y C CI C I C Y I T Y I TA A C A A C T I lbs. Y T I lbs. YP A C Y T I C A P P A C Y T I C A P C A A C Y T I C A P C C A A C Y T I C A P CP A P AA PACITYC A A PACITYC A A PACITYC A A PACITYC AC 450 P A C 500 P A C 550 P A C 600 P AC C C CY I T Y I T Y I T Y I TT I lbs. Y T I lbs. Y T I lbs. Y T I lbs. YC A P A C Y T I C A P A C C A P A C Y T I C A P A C C A P A C Y T I C A P A C C A P A C Y T I C A P A C ToiletingPACITYC A A PACITYC A A PACITYC A A PACITY CP P AC 650 C 700 A C 750 A C 800 AA P PA C Y A C Y A C Y C Y T ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVINGAC CY Y YC I I CIT T lbs. Y T lbs. Y T lbs. TI T TYII C C C C C YT lbs. I IC C A A A A A CYA P T I C A P A P T I C A P P T I C A P P I C A P AAShower Benches n For pediatrics and smaller patientsPACITYC A PACITYC A PACITYC A PACITYC AC A 850 P A C A 900 P A C A 950 P A A 1000 PComfortable Bed PansStrong, durable, and C C C C A CI reusable, these bed pans accommodate childrenI T I T I TY Y YYT I T Y T I Y T I Y T lbs. YSeat height adjustslbs. lbs. lbs.C C C C C C I Cand smaller patients. Unique flat surface helps prevent A A A P A A P A A P A CP A C Y T I C A P patients sagging into the pan opening, which canA C Y T I C A P A C Y T I C A P A C Y T I C A Pas low as 14"cause reluctance and discomfort. The result is better PACITYC A PACITYC A PACITYC A PACITYC A PACITYC AA P A P A P A P A Pcomfort and fewer spills. Optional Liners aid with C 440 A C A C 308 A C 320 A C 325 AC C C C CY lbs. I T faster cleanup. Y I T Y lbs. I T Y lbs. I T Y lbs. I TT I Y T I Y T I Y T I Y T I YC A P A C C A P A C C A P A C C A P A C C A P A CA C Y T I C A P 14"W x 15"L x 3"D2-qt. capacity325-lb. weight capacityA C Y T I C A P A C Y T I C A P A C Y T I C A P A C Y T I C A P ReusableCleaning and care instructions includedPACITYC A PACITYC A PACITYC A PACITYC A Flat seating area forms anti-spill lipC A P C A P C A P C A PA A A A330 340 BED PAN 660 680C #2970008771 C C EACH CWith Back I lbs. I lbs. I lbs. IY T Y T Y T Y TT I lbs. Y T I Y T I Y T I YC A P A P A C #2970009053 C A P T I C A BEDPAN LINER P A C C A P T I C A P A C C A P 20/BOX T I C A P A CA C Y T I C #2970009054 A C Y BEDPAN LINER A C Y 18 BOXES/CASE A C Y CareBag California residents, see left page. Bedpan Liners,PACITYC A PACITYC A PACITYC A PACITYC AC A Sizes P A C A P A C A P A C A 1200 P A sold below, fitAvailable C 375 C 1500 C C Y I T Y lbs. I T Y lbs. I T Y lbs. I T AliMed Bed PansT I Y T I Y T I Y T I YC A P A C Y T I C P A C C A P A C Y T I C P A C C A P A C Y T I C A P A C C A P A C Y T I C A P A C TOILETINGA AWithout Backn Maximum height adjustability n Faster cleanupShower Benches with drainage holes andCareBag Bedpan Liners save time and handles. Rubber tips. Adjust in 1" increments.cost of handling, cleaning, and disinfecting Overall: 20"W x 19"DSeat: 20"W x 14"DSeatbedpans. Super-absorbent pad turns liquid into adjusts: 14"-20"HAluminum frameRust-proofgel in seconds. Helps prevent spread of potential300-lb. capacity pathogens and reduces risk of hospital-acquired infection. Fits all bedpan sizes and shapes. #2970009855 w/BACKEACH#2970009859 w/o BACKEACH #2970009053 BEDPAN LINER 20/BOXCalifornia residents, see left page. #2970009054 BEDPAN LINER 18 BOXES/CASECalifornia residents, see left page.More Shower Benches online atAliMed.com/bath-safety n Encourages bladder and bowel functionsTumble Forms2 Carrie Potty SeatsShaped to position legs in a slight flexion and abduction to encourage bladder and bowel functions. Built-in anti-thrust seat helps maintain pelvic positioning. Fits 18"H institutional toilets and most residential toilets (except when in reclined position), or use as a free-standing commode. Includes adjustable FAX800.437.2966tray, removable splash guard, height-adjustable/removable footrest and adjustable headrest, hip and chest harness, and removable bucket. Lockable caster base for safer transfers. Washable vinyl coating with antimicrobial protection. THE SANI-BAG+Toss out likeOverall: 50"H x 34"DSeat depth: 13"Not made with Commode Linersadult diaper natural rubber latex61 lbs.130-lb. capacity AliMed.com 800.225.2610with AdhesiveSizing: Fits children 48"-68" tall.Tape help reduce the spread of#2970000746 CARRIE POTTY SEAT EACHinfection. Waste is immediately gelled and odor- California residents, see left page.neutralized. Liners good for three to five uses.18" diameter24-oz. capacity Improve reach capabilities#2970010465 LINER w/ADHESIVE TAPE 12/PACK#2970010466 LINER w/ADHESIVE TAPE 24/PACK Pediatric ReachersLength and #2970010467 LINER w/ADHESIVE TAPE 100/PACK trigger suited for smaller hands and limbs. Claw-type jaw. Lightweight. 15"L#2970010468 LINER w/ADHESIVE TAPE 200/PACKCalifornia residents, see left page. 15"L w/hang-up hole3.6 oz3" jaw opening3" span Plastic and plastic-coated aluminumSmaller trigger for Shop commodes online at1-year warrantyGreen small handsAliMed.com/commodes #2970010699 PEDIATRIC REACHER EACHCalifornia residents, see left page. LOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 109'