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b'Arm/Shoulder SlingsORTHOPEDIC BRACINGNew Toddler size!nEvenly supports weight of armto eliminate pressure pointsn Economical Ultimate Arm Sling Sling pouch stretches to adjust Pediatric Armto length of arm from elbow to wrist. Soft hand and SlingsMuslinthumb loops ensure arm is held securely in place. Cradles with white trim.arm and evenly supports weight, eliminating painfulX-Small includespressure points. Soft back strap is easy on neck. Swathethree nontoxicavailable separately (see below, left). Fits left or right. crayons forHand-wash, air-dryBlackdecorating. FitsSizing: Toddler/Small Child, 25-50 lbs.; Child/Smallleft or right.Adult, 50-90 lbs.; Adult, 90-250 lbs.; Pro 3X-Large,Hand-wash, air-dry 225-300 lbs.; Goliath, 300+ lbs. Sling pouch: X-Small,#2970003108 TODDLER/SMALL CHILD EACH12"W x 5"H; Small,#2970002440 CHILD/SMALL ADULT EACH15"W x 6"H #2970002441 ADULT EACHSHOULDER#2970001819 X-SMALL 10/PACK #2970002442 PRO-3XL EACH#2970001820 SMALL 10/PACK #2970002443 GOLIATH EACHCalifornia residents, see left page. California residents, see left page.nDisposable,great for E.R. use n Universal sizeJoslin Pediatric ER SlingFits-All SlingsDisposable Deep, twill fabric armpocket positions sling reduceshand, elbow, nHolds uppercommon neckand shoulder. arm againstcomplaints.Shoulder strap body Flexibilitywith perforated increasesvinyl pad and Swathegently holds upper arm against body.patientdouble D-ring Use with Ultimate Arm Sling (see above, right) tocompliance.hook-and-immobilize arm. Fabric adheres to hook-and-loopNot made loop closure. so it can be adjusted and secured at any length.with naturalAdjusts by folding sling at elbow and Fits left or right.rubber latex. Fits left or right. attaching hook-and-loop closure. One size. FAX800.437.2966Hand-wash, air-dryBlack Fits left or right. Clean with a damp cloth, air-dryWhite Sizing: Child/Small Adult, 50-90 lbs.; Adult, 90-250 lbs.;Hand-wash, air-dryNavyGoliath, 250+ lbs. Sizing: 50-90 lbs., 3\'5"-5\' tall. #2970003684 FITS-ALL SLINGEACH#2970002445 CHILD/SMALL ADULTEACH #2970003175 JOSLIN PEDIATRIC ER SLING 12/PACKCalifornia residents, see left page.#2970002444 ADULTEACH California residents, see left page. #2970002446 GOLIATHEACHAliMed.com 888.226.3288California residents, see left page.Clavicle Supports.Clavicle SupportsFoam-padded 1 12 "WSizing: On the uninjured side, measure from the midpointweb shoulder straps covered with stockinette.of the scapula, around anteriorly under the axilla, and backWont impinge on brachial nerve or artery.to the starting point. XX-Small (Infant), 4"-8"; X-SmallLarge, felt-lined, perforated vinyl back(Pediatric), 8"-14"; Small, 20"-26".pad distributes weight evenly. Two-way#2970002020 XX-SMALL EACHadjustability. #2970002025 X-SMALL EACHHand-washAir-dry #2970002023 SMALL EACHCalifornia residents, see left page. LOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 81'