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b'Strength/ROM Evaluation Tools DIAGNOSTICS & ASSESSMENTDynamometers Measuring TapesLighter for transport,BESTtesting SELLER!nLighter parts, same testing capacityBaseline LITE Dynamometers for testing grip strength up to 200 lbs. (91 kg). Same hydraulic systemn Flexible and retractableas the standard metal BaselineMeasuring TapesMeasure inches (60) and STRENGTH/ROM EVALUATION TOOLSdynamometers, except some of the metal partscentimeters (150). Flexible and retractable.have been replaced by modern plastic, making them lightweight for transport and testing.#2970003520 MEASURING TAPE EACHInstructions and carrying case included1-yearCalifornia residents, see left page.warranty#2970010384 DYNAMOMETER EACHCalifornia residents, see left page.nSaves/stores results for upto 19 usersnStays inBaselineplace, leavesDigital Smedleyhands free n Spring attachment for constant tensionDynamometersDigital, lightweight springBaseline Circumference Gauges measureGulick Anthropometric Tapes measure dynamometers capturethe circumference of a joint or digit. Tape stays inmultiple users accurately. Spring attachment for and display maximum gripplace, leaving your hands free.constant tension. force and offer accurate61" (155 cm) 60" (152 cm)grip strength readout. Five preset grip sizes. Assess results according to age and gender,#2970002131 CIRCUMFERENCE GAUGE EACH #2970003645 ANTHROPOMETRIC TAPE EACHstoring results for fast retrieval with up to 19 users.California residents, see left page. California residents, see left page.Record lbs./kg up to 200 lbs. (91 kg).#2970000941 DYNAMOMETER EACHCalifornia residents, see left page. Range of MotionFAX800.437.2966With levels and Scan to shop our full lineeasy-to-readLCD screen of Clinical AssessmentAliMed.com 888.226.3288tools!AliMed Disposable Monofilamentsn Easy-to-read digital LCD screen n For angle and linear measurementBaseline Digital Absolute AxisPersonal Rulanglemeters have a 360 GoniometersIntegral absolute vertical anddial in 5 increments. horizontal levels are incorporated into digitalOverall: 7"LPlastic with linear measurement to 6" goniometer arm. LCD screen reads 0-180.Freeze angle measurement. Levels to indicate#2970001860 PERSONAL RULANGLEMETER EACHlevel/plumb starting points.California residents, see left page.9V battery includedPowder-coated steelAliMed.com/clinical-assessment #2970000942 DIGITAL GONIOMETER EACHCalifornia residents, see left page.LOG IN FOR PRICINGat AliMed.com 31'