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b'How to choose Therapy Putty Whether you squeeze it, twist it, THERAPEUTIC EXERCISEpinch it, or stretch it, therapy putty isa great way to help rehabilitate and strengthen fingers, hands, and forearms. But if you think all therapy putty is created equal, think again. Choices include putty made without natural rubber latex, glittering therapy putty, and putty blended with natural antimicrobial silver for odor control. Our tried-and-true Color-Coded Therapy Putty clearly and easily identifies and accommodates a wide range of grip strengths, from very soft to very firm. Also available are tools you can place in the therapy putty to push, pull, or turn for specific therapeutic outcomes. Ideal for clinical or home use, our selection of therapy putty will not fragment, bleed, stain, or stick to skin, clothing, or furniture. Its nontoxic, non-oily, and leaves no residue on the hands.THERAPY PUTTYn Antimicrobial silver resists odorGlitter PuttyInfused with natural silver antimicrobial layer to naturally resist growthof odor-causing microbes in putty. Nontoxic, non-irritating with a greaseless, non-sticky texture for smooth, even resistance. Not made with naturalrubber latex. 4 oz.Knob Turn Peg Turn Key Turn#2970003549 LIGHT BLUE, XX-SOFT EACH#2970003550 LIGHT PURPLE, X-SOFT EACH California residents, see left page.Cap Turn L-Bar nGuaranteed to maintainconsistency for an entire year Tan, XX-SoftColor-Coded Therapy Putty comes inresistances consistent with industryYellow, X-Softstandards. Silicone-based putty. Guaranteed to maintain its consistency for one year from the dateRed, Softyou receive it. Not made with natural rubber latex.Scan to shop Putty PacksGreen, MediumFAX800.437.2966n Simulate everyday activities at AliMed.com Blue, FirmPuttycise Tools can be pushed, pulled, orturned through putty to produce specifiedCOLOR/RESISTANCE 2 OZ. 3 OZ. 4 OZ. 1 LB. 5 LBS.exercises. Changing the putty resistanceTAN, XX-SOFT#2970001341 #2970001362 #2970001367 #2970001372 #2970001377increases or decreases difficulty level. Use toYELLOW, X-SOFT#2970001343#2970001363#2970001368 #2970001373#2970001378simulate functional activity and/or teach jointRED, SOFT#2970001345#2970001364#2970001369#2970001374 #2970001379 AliMed.com 888.226.3288protection techniques. Consists of five tools thatGREEN, MEDIUM #2970001347#2970001365 #2970001370 #2970001375 #2970001380all function by inserting tool base into resistiveBLUE, FIRM#2970001349 #2970001366 #2970001371 #2970001376 #2970001381putty. Tools include Knob Turn, Peg Turn, KeyEACHEACH EACH EACH EACHTurn, Cap Turn, and L-Bar (simulates pulling a California residents, see left page.vacuum, sweeping, using a hammer, etc.). Tools work best in 1 lb. of putty. 5-Piece Set includesPERSONAL PUTTY KIT one of each tool with a carry bag and set of#2970003552 ONE OF EACH: 2-oz PACK OF YELLOW, RED, GREEN, AND BLUE 4 PACKS/KITinstruction cards. Putty not included.California residents, see left page.#2970000935 5-PIECE SET w/CARDS AND BAG SET#2970000936 KNOB TURN EACH#2970000938 PEG TURN EACH Scan to shop more Hand Therapy Supplies #2970000939 KEY TURN EACH online!#2970000940 CAP TURN EACH#2970000937 L-BAR EACH AliMed.com/hand-and-finger-exercisersCalifornia residents, see left page.LOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 85'