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b'Protective HeadgearSilvern Absorbs shock from all directionsPATIENT SAFETYGamebreaker Scrum Cap Headgear Helps prevent Lightweight, breathable, protective helmetslacerations and protect back and sides of head. AdjustablecontusionsWell-ventilated chin strap offers snug, comfortable fit.and retains limitedWeb-shell design for adequate ventilation. body heat Helmet will help absorb impact nomatter the direction of the fall.Also helps prevent lacerationsand contusions. Allows patients touse 100% of their peripheral vision. Expandable EVA and LYCRA DurableWashable Sizing: Measure head circumference. Allows 100% n Hard and shock-absorbing, X-Small, 18"-19"; Small, 191/2"-201/2"; peripheral visionyet lightweight Medium, 21"-22"; Large, 221/2" -23";Hard Comfy Cap HelmetsLightweight helmetX-Large, 231/2"-24". BluePROTECTIVE HEADGEARmade with compression-molded inner foam liner attached to hard plastic exterior. Same comfortable fit as Soft model (see below). Very well-ventilated, retains limited body heat. 3 oz.Easy to clean with soap and water; towel-dry SIZE BLACK BLUE HUNTER GREEN RED SILVER QTY Silver-grey linerCream X-SMALL #2970008850 #2970008852 #2970008853 #2970008851 #2970008854 EACHSizing: See chart below.SMALL #2970008855 #2970008857 #2970008858 #2970008856 #2970008859 EACH#2970008780 SMALL EACH MEDIUM #2970008860 #2970008862EACH#2970008779 MEDIUM EACH LARGE #2970008865 #2970008867EACHX-LARGE #2970008870 #2970008872 #2970008874 EACH#2970008778 LARGE EACH California residents, see left page. California residents, see left page. n Lightweight Royal Blue PinkSoft Shell Helmets 12 "-thick, shock-absorbing foamweighs less than 8 oz. Fully ventilated with an easy-to-clean vinyl coat. Chin strap has adjustable buckle for tight, comfortable fit. Sizing: Small, 6"W x 8"H x 2134" circ.; TanMedium, 7"W x 8"H x 2234" circ.;Large, 71/2"W x 9"H x 2334" circ.ROYAL FAX800.437.2966SIZE BLUE, EACH TAN, EACH PINK, EACHn Maximum ventilation SMALL #2970000664 #2970000667 #2970000661MEDIUM #2970000663 #2970000666 #2970000660Soft Comfy Cap HelmetsSoft, lightweightLARGE #2970000662 #2970000665 #2970000659helmet made of compression-molded foam. Head- California residents, see left page.hugging design offers a uniquely comfortable fit. Provides maximum ventilation and retains limitedAliMed.com 888.226.3288body heat. 3 oz.Easy to clean with soap and water; towel dry Silver-Grey n Protects cheeksSizing: See chart below.Full Coverage Helmets protect the head Tan#2970008777 SMALL EACH and cheek area. Easy-adjust chin strap. #2970008776 MEDIUM EACH Sizing: Small, 6"W x 8"H x 2134" circ.; Medium, 7"W x#2970008775 LARGE EACH 8"H x 22" circ.; Large, 71/2"W x 9"H x 231/2" circ.; X-Large, 71/2"W x 934"H x 24" circ.California residents, see left page.SIZE ROYAL BLUE TAN QTYCOMFY CAP HELMET SIZING SMALL #2970008260 #2970008264 EACHSIZE SOFT SHELL HARD SHELL MEDIUM #2970008259 #2970008263 EACHSMALL 203 4 "-211 2 " 201 2 "-211 4 " LARGE #2970008258 #2970008262 EACHMEDIUM 211 2 "-221 4 " 211 2 "-221 4 " X-LARGE #2970008261 #2970008265 EACHLARGE 23"-233 4 " 221 2 "-231 4 " California residents, see left page.LOG IN FOR PRICINGat AliMed.com 41'