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b'Sequences ColorCards SPEECH & LANGUAGEColorCards Sequences: 6- & 8-Step forColorCards Sequences: 4-StepThis ChildrenA more complex set that includescollection contains 12 four-step sequences of both six- and eight-step sequences of a varietyfamiliar activities. The sequences depict a wide of activities. Offers excellent opportunities forrange of indoor and outdoor events. IncludesSEQUENCES COLORCARDSmore advanced language work, including syntax,people of different ages and ethnic groups. grammar, vocabulary, and time concepts withSequences include making cakes, going to the young children. Sequences include buildingdentist, buying a new pet, and many more. blocks, playing ball, digital photography, cycling,Manual includes directions and contents are in going to school, etc. Manual includes directionsEnglish and eight other languages.and contents are in English and eight otherContains: 48 cards (6" x 6"), manual, boxlanguages. Contains: 48 laminated cards (6" x 6"), manual, box #2970010754 SEQUENCES: 4-STEP 48/BOXCalifornia residents, see left page.#2970010780 SEQUENCES: 6 & 8 STEP 48/BOXCalifornia residents, see left page.ColorCards Sequences: Verb TensesContains 16 three-step sequences illustrating past, present, and future verb tenses. Portrays familiar activities that illustrate each verb tense clearly. FAX800.437.2966Eight of the verbs have regular past tense and eight have irregular past tense. Images are lively and feature people of all ages. Use to focus on one tense or to contrast past, present, and future tenses. Manual includes directions and contents are in English and eight other languages. Contains: 48 laminated cards (6" x 6"), manual, box AliMed.com 888.226.3288#2970010822 SEQUENCES: VERB TENSES 48/BOXCalifornia residents, see left page.ColorCards Basic SequencesCompletely revised to include 16 new three-step sequences! Demonstrates simple, sequentially related actions to help establish basic concepts and understanding of order and direction, logicalScan to shop morethought, and expressive language. Includes sequences of changing a baby, making a bed,Pediatric Speech products playing a CD, and more. Manual includesonline!directions and contents are in English and eight other languages. Contains: 48 laminated cards (6" x 8"), manual, box#2970011388 BASIC SEQUENCES 48/BOX AliMed.com/pediatric-speech-therapyCalifornia residents, see left page.LOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 95'