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b'Resistive Bands and TubingTHERAPEUTIC EXERCISERollsPre-Cut BandsExercise Tubing Traditional Individually100\' of latex tubingcolor-codedwrapped 5\'L bands in a dispenser boxbands in 6-, 25-, or 50-yd. rollsLIGHT DUTY HEAVY DUTYEXERCISE BANDS TAN YELLOW RED GREEN BLUE BLACK SILVER GOLD 6-yd ROLL#2970002248#2970002501#2970002515#2970002519#2970002539#2970002548#2970002576#2970003605RESISTIVE BANDS AND TUBING5 12 "W, Latex ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL Thera-Band25-yd ROLL* #2970002657#2970002658#2970002659#2970002660#2970002661 4"W ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL50-yd ROLL#2970002219#2970003690#2970003691#2970003692#2970003693#2970003694#2970003695#2970003604 5 12 "W, Latex ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL PRE-CUT BANDS, Individually packaged,#2970003250#2970003260#2970003271#2970003282 5 12 "W x 5\'L bands in a 30/BOX 30/BOX 30/BOX 30/BOX single color. Latex.TUBINGEXERCISE TUBING,#2970003395#2970003396#2970003397#2970003398#2970003399#2970003427 100\'L TOTAL** Latex BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX*Not made with natural rubber latex. **Thera-Band 100\'L tubing does not always ship in two 50\'L rolls. May be shipped in two or three pieces of tubing varying in lengths equaling 100\'L. No piece will be less than 8\'L. California residents, see left page.Scan to shop Safe for aquatics Equipment Storage FAX800.437.2966online! New formula has the characteristics and performance of latex bands without the powder or danger of latex allergic reactions. Offers greater elastic response, higher resilience, and faster recovery. AliMed.com 888.226.3288Facilitates all types of resistance therapy, even aquatics. Made in the USA.AliMed.comLIGHT DUTY HEAVY DUTY RESISTIVE EXERCISE BANDS AND TUBING*PEACH ORANGE GREEN BLUE PLUMBand6-yd ROLL BAND #2970001404#2970001405#2970001406#2970001407#2970001408 ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL50-yd ROLL BAND #2970001409#2970001410#2970001411#2970001412#2970001413ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL #2970002179#2970002180#2970002181#2970002182#2970002183REP 25\'L TUBING BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX 100\'L TUBING #2970002184#2970002185#2970002186#2970002187#2970002188BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX *Not made with natural rubber latex or dry natural rubber. California residents, see left page.LOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 89'