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b'Cervical CollarsORTHOPEDIC BRACINGn Motion restriction without pressure pointsAspen Cervical Collars adjust to user, wick moisture, PDAC dissipate heat, and evenly distribute and transfer head weight APPROVED to shoulders and upper thorax. For upright or supine patients. Large front and back airflow openings. Adjustable Occipital Support Strap allows customized fit. Two pieces with breathable pad set (front and back). Includes extra set of pads.Sizing: Select appropriate age and measure neck circumference (see chart below). Age guideline based on normal growth and development.PEDIATRIC AGE NECK CIRC. SETTOT 1-3 111 2 "-13" #2970004092nHeat-moldable Kydex shell withCHILD SHORT 2-5 12"-141 2 " #2970004090height-adjustable sections CHILD REG. 3-6 13"-16" #2970004091Malibu Cervical Collars have a lightweight,TOP OF heat-moldable Kydex shell with soft, closed-cellSHOULDERNECK foam liner, and include trachea opening. RigidADULT TO CHIN CIRC. SETSPINAL BRACINGsupport helps control flexion, extension, andADULT SHORT5 8 " 13"-21" #2970004085 Chin cradle rotation. Adjust height of anterior and posteriorADULT REG. 5 8 "-11 4 " 13"-21" #2970004086 reduces sections independently. Includes two chin pads.ADULT TALL 11 4 "-17 8 " 13"-21" #2970004087 rotationMade of non-ferrous materials. ADULT X-TALL17 8 " 13"-21" #2970004088Pediatric: 2"H-3"HAdult: 3"H-5"H REPLACEMENT PAD SETSizing: Measure neck circumference. Pediatric, 8"-11";#2970004093 ASPEN PEDIATRIC SETAdult, 12"-17";#2970004089 ASPEN ADULT SETCalifornia residents, see left page.#2970007328 PEDIATRIC EACH#2970007327 ADULT EACH California residents, see left page. Shop all Aspen Collar Replacement Back Panels Suggested code: L0200 at AliMed.com/aspen-cervical-collarsSIZE ITEM # QTYITEM # QTY ADULTn Minimizes pressure points REPLACEMENT in key areas ADULT COLLARPAD SETSUPER SHORT/#2970002577EACH #2970002821 EACHMiami Jr Cervical CollarsDesignedKYPHOTIC (200S)specifically for children 12 and under. AccurateSTOUT (200L) #2970002578EACH #2970002820 EACHpediatric sizes ensure optimal airwaysX-SMALL (250) #2970002579EACH #2970002822 EACHand upper cervical spine immobilization.2-piece for Bioengineered to minimize pressure pointsTALL (500) #2970002580EACH #2970002818 EACH more FAX800.437.2966at chin, occiput, trapezius, and clavicle.REGULAR (400) #2970002581EACH #2970002817 EACH accurate Antibacterial Sorbatex pads protect skinSHORT (300) #2970002582EACH #2970002819 EACH sizingduring extended wear. California residents, see left page. Antibacterial Sizing is according to Broselow-Luten Color-CodingMIAMI JR. PEDIATRIC COLLAR Sorbatex pads System, and is determined by age. P0, 0-6 months;P0, 0-6 MONTHS #2970002888 EACH protect skin during P1, 6 months-2 years; P2, 2-6 years; P3, 6-12 years. P1, 6 MONTHS - 2 YEARS #2970002889 EACH extended wearP2, 2-6 YEARS #2970002890 EACHAliMed.com 888.226.3288P3, 6-12 YEARS #2970002891 EACHCalifornia residents, see left page.SIZING:#2970002577 #2970002578 #2970002579 #2970002580 #2970002581 #2970002582Phenotype-driven sizing system makes size selection simple while drastically reducing margin of error in fitting a patient. Each collar has a bioengineered front with a specific back designed to work together for superior immobilization.LOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 83'