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b'SittersSeating Systemsn Box-style mobile baseTumble Forms2 2-Piece Mobile Floor Sitters aid with MOBILITYfeeding or for use as an alternative to wheelchairs or standers. Includes Feeder Seat (also sold separately, p. 44) and Mobile Base and is ideal for children who are unable to ambulate, permitting movement without the need for repositioning. Feeder Seat is easy to get the child in an out of and allows good basic positioning without complicated adjustments. Includes a shoulder harness with 4" of vertical adjustment to accommodate infants through adolescents, pelvic belt and quick-release H-belt to help maintain positioning, contoured interior with 90 seat angle for postural-correct seating, and built-in anti-thrust seat for pelvic stability (Medium model only). Medium and Large base is made of wood with antimicrobial washable vinyl coating. Not made with natural rubber latex. X-Large base is made of steel tubing.Sizing: Medium fits hips up to 9"W and heights up to 48"; Large fits SITTERSSEATING SYSTEMShips up to 121/2"W and heights up to 60"; X-Large fits hips up to 15"W and heights up to 72".#2970001438 MEDIUM EACHn Two positions #2970001439 LARGE EACH#2970000741 X-LARGE EACHSkillbuilders 2-Piece Mobile Floor SittersCalifornia residents, see left page.combine Feeder Seat with box-style wood Mobile Base with casters and pull strap, allowing child ton Platform-style wedge mobile basebe moved without repositioning. Seat and base are secured with hook-and-loop fasteners. SeatSkillbuilders 3-Piece Mobile Floor Sitters combine can be adjusted from upright to reclining positionFeeder Seat, Floor Sitter Wedge, and platform-style wood and includes built-in abductor, posture-correctMobile Base with casters and pull strap, allowing child to contoured interior, and safety harness. Feeder Seatbe moved without repositioning. Seat, wedge, and base are (also sold separately, p. 44) is made of moldedsecured with hook-and-loop fasteners. Seat can be adjusted foam with integral waterproof coating for easyfrom upright to reclining position and includes built-in abductor, cleaning. Mobile Base also sold separately, below. posture-correct contoured interior, and safety harness. Feeder Sizing: Small fits child up to 36" tall and 20-40 lbs.;Seat and Floor Wedge (also sold separately, p. 44) are made Medium fits child 37"-48" tall and 30-60 lbs.; Large fitsof molded foam with integral waterproof coating for easy child 49"-60" tall and 50-100 lbs.; X-Large fits child 61"-72"cleaning. Mobile Base also sold separately, below. tall and 60-120 lbs. Sizing: Small fits child up to 36" tall and 20-40 lbs.; Medium fits child MOBILE FLOOR SITTER (SEAT AND MOBILE BASE) 37"-48" tall and 30-60 lbs.; Large fits child 49"-60" tall and 50-100 lbs.; #2970000500 SMALL EACH X-Large fits child 61"-72" tall and 60-120 lbs.#2970000501 MEDIUM EACH MOBILE FLOOR SITTER (SEAT, WEDGE BASE, MOBILE BASE) Shown with Carrie Seat, #2970000502 LARGE EACH #2970000492 SMALL EACH sold separately at left#2970000503 X-LARGE EACH #2970000493 MEDIUM EACHMOBILE BASE ONLY #2970000494 LARGE EACHFAX800.437.2966#2970000490 FITS SMALL FEEDER SEAT EACH #2970000495 X-LARGE EACH#2970000491 FITS MEDIUM FEEDER SEAT EACH MOBILE BASE ONLY#2970000498 FITS LARGE FEEDER SEAT EACH #2970000496 FITS SM, MED, OR LG FEEDER SEAT EACH#2970000499 FITS X-LARGE FEEDER SEAT EACH #2970000497 FITS XL FEEDER SEAT EACHCalifornia residents, see left page. California residents, see left page. AliMed.com 888.226.3288Pediatric Orthoticsdesigned to fit your patients specific needs!FREEDOM Accommodator Classic Post-Op ShoePediatric AFO FREEDOM Wrist SupportAliMed.com/pediatric-orthoticsLOG IN FOR PRICINGat AliMed.com 49'