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b'IMAGING/SURGICAL POSITIONERSShear protection for bean bag positioners28"W 23"W9"LUniversal 37"L T-Shaped15"L34"WVac-Pac CoversIdeal as an additionalwith your Olympic Medical Vac-Pacs or AliMed#2970017536 UNIVERSALEACHlayer of gel protection for both patients andBean Bag Positioners (AliMed.com). #2970012732 T-SHAPEDEACHBasic surfaces. Reduces pressure as well as skin shear,15 lbs.Universal: 28"W x 37"L x12 " thickT-Shaped:Vac-Pac is a trademark of Olympic Medical.ALIGELProneand lengthens the life of the surface because its34"W x 15"L (bottom); 23"W x 9"L (top) x12 " thickCalifornia residents, see left page. not in direct contact with patients skin. Compatible Select Patient Positioning Sets for economical savingsSupineBESTBasicProne SELLER! ProneA. B. C. D. A. B. C. D. E.LateralA.Supine A. Select B. SupineCardiovascular B. Cardiovascular ProneC. C. D. LateralD. E.FAX800.437.2966SupineBasic Prone Positioning Sets provide a complete solution for protectingBasic Positioning Sets provide pressure redistribution and nerve patients in prone, with key essentials for pressure and nerve protection forprotection for the most common high-risk areas. Convenient and high-risk areas, especially feet. Prone Head Pad offloads pressure and maintainsversatile, this multipurpose set includes a Donut, Armboard and Hip Pads, neutral position during prone procedures. Extremely versatile Chest Rolls,Ulnar Forearm Protectors, and Heel Cups for many common procedures.Dome Positioner, and Armboard Pads are ideal for multiple uses. A. Head Donut, AdultAliMed.com 888.226.3288Select A.Prone Head Pad, 8 34 "W x 7 34 "L x 4 34 "H Cardiovascular B. Armboard Pads, 4 12 "W x 24"L, pair CardiovascularB.Armboard Pads, 4 12 "W x 24"L, pair C. Ulnar Forearm Protectors, 13"W x 18"L, pairC.Chest Rolls, 4"W x 16"L x 3"H, pairD. Hip Pad, 20"W x 20"L x12 " thickD.Dome Positioner, 6"W x 14"L x 3"HE.Heel Cups, pairProne #2970015055 PRONE POSITIONING SET 6 PIECES/SET #2970015054 BASIC POSITIONING SET 8 PIECES/SET California residents, see left page. California residents, see left page. BasicScan for more AliGel Positioners online!Frame PadsPediatric SizesPositioning SetsAdditional ShapesSelectAliMed.com/aligel-positionersLOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 17Prone'