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b'Hand/Wrist OrthosesORTHOPEDIC BRACINGPDAC PDACAPPROVED n Side wings prevent APPROVEDulnar and radial deviationHand/Wrist OrthosesVersatile, multipurpose splint supports and positions weak or deformed wrists, hands, or fingers. Side wings prevent ulnar/radial deviation. Available with removableTerrycloth cover Terrycloth cover Color-Coded by size or in shown in TurquoiseNavy option, or nonremovable Comfyprene n Additional forearm length cover. Optional Finger Separator, sold separately, Long Opponens Hand OrthosesSamesee below.features as Hand/Wrist Orthosis (at right) with Sizing: Color-coded by size, see chart below.1" longer forearm. Removable Terrycloth cover.Sizing: Available in Large only, see chart below. TERRYCLOTH COVERSIZE COLOR-CODED NAVY#2970003377 LARGE, EMERALD GREEN EACH SMALL #2970002334 EACH #2970003346 EACHHAND AND WRIST California residents, see left page. MEDIUM #2970002333 EACH #2970003345 EACHSuggested code: L3807/3809 LARGE #2970002332 EACH #2970003344 EACH Terrycloth cover shown in NavyCalifornia residents, see left page.PDAC COMFYPRENE COVER, DARK BLUE ONLYSwivel joint forAPPROVED #2970003346 SMALL EACHulnar or radial#2970003345 MEDIUM EACHdeviation #2970003344 LARGE EACHTerrycloth cover shownCalifornia residents, see left page.in Emerald GreenComfyprene covern Helps protect pressure areasFinger Separators add soft cushion to help protect and prevent pressure areas between n Allows for ulnar or radial deviation fingers. Removable Terrycloth cover.Deviation Hand/Wrist OrthosesSameSizing: Color-coded by size, see chart below.features as Hand/Wrist Orthosis (above, right) with#2970002617 SMALL EACHunique swivel joint below wrist that allows lateral#2970002616 MEDIUM EACHand medial positioning to accommodate ulnar or#2970002615 LARGE EACHradial deviation. Available in removable TerryclothCalifornia residents, see left page.cover or nonremovable Comfyprene cover. FAX800.437.2966Sizing: Color-coded by size, see chart below.TERRYCLOTH COVER, COLOR-CODED nAdded straps for support, positioning PDAC#2970003362 SMALL, PURPLE EACH 4-Strap Hand/Wrist OrthosesSame featuresAPPROVED#2970003361 MEDIUM, TURQUOISE EACH as Hand/Wrist Orthosis (above) with four straps #2970003360 LARGE, EMERALD GREEN EACH to position and support hand, thumb, and fingers.COMFYPRENE COVERAliMed.com 888.226.3288Removable Terrycloth cover.#2970003367 SMALL, DARK BLUE EACH#2970003368 SMALL, LIGHT BLUE EACH Sizing: Color-coded by size, see chart at left.#2970003365 MEDIUM, DARK BLUE EACH #2970003355 SMALL, PURPLE EACH#2970003366 MEDIUM, LIGHT BLUE EACH #2970003354 MEDIUM, TURQUOISE EACH#2970003363 LIGHT, DARK BLUE EACH #2970003353 LARGE, EMERALD GREEN EACH#2970003364 LIGHT, LIGHT BLUE EACHCalifornia residents, see left page. Shown in Turquoise California residents, see left page. Suggested code: L3807/L3809Suggested code: L3807/L3809 PEDIATRIC HAND/WRIST/THUMB SIZE CHARTWRIST TO TIP OF MIDDLE FINGER TOTAL SPLINT LENGTHSIZE TERRYCLOTH COMFYPRENE TERRYCLOTH COMFYPRENE AVERAGE AGESMALL 21 2 "-31 2 " 21 2 "-31 2 " 7" 61 2 " UP TO 4 YEARSMEDIUM 3"-41 2 " 3"-41 2 " 8" 7" 4 TO 9 YEARSLARGE 41 2 "-6" 41 2 "-6" 91 2 " 9" 9 TO SMALL ADULTTerrycloth covers are color-coded by size. Small, Purple; Medium, Turquoise; Large, Emerald Green.Comfyprene covers come in choice of Dark Blue or Light Blue.LOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 77'