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b'Knee and Elbow OrthosesORTHOPEDIC BRACINGLocks into one of six positionsLocking Elbow Orthoses Locking Knee Orthoses Same features as the ElbowSame features as the KneeOrthosis (p. 75) with pull ring toOrthosis (p. 72) with pull ringlock into one of six positions.to lock into one of six positions. Removable Terrycloth cover. Removable Terrycloth cover. Sizing: Color-coded by size, Shown in Sizing: Color-coded by size, Shown in see chart below. Turquoise see chart below. Turquoise#2970003200 SMALL, PURPLE EACH PDAC #2970007975 SMALL, PURPLE EACH PDAC#2970003199 MEDIUM, TURQUOISE EACH APPROVED #2970007974 MEDIUM, TURQUOISE EACH APPROVED#2970003198 LARGE, EMERALD GREEN EACH #2970007973 LARGE, EMERALD GREEN EACHCalifornia residents, see left page. Color-coded by size, see chart below. Suggested code: L3760California residents, see left page.Suggested code: L1831KNEE AND ELBOWTerrycloth covers color-coded by size PEDIATRIC KNEE ORTHOSIS SIZE CHART KNEE CREASEKNEE CREASETOTAL SPLINTAVERAGE AGESIZE/COLOR TOWARDS ANKLE TOWARDS THIGH LENGTHSMALL, PURPLE 33 4 " 33 4 " 71 2 " UP TO 4 YEARSMEDIUM, TURQUOISE 41 2 " 41 2 " 9" 4 TO 9 YEARSLARGE, EMERALD GREEN51 4 " 51 4 " 101 2 " 9 TO SMALL ADULTSmall, Terrycloth Covers are color-coded by size.Purple Large,Medium,Emerald GreenTurquoiseElbow Sleeves and SplintsElbow Sleeve Hook-and-loop closureHyperextension Hook-and-loopElbow Sleeve strap closuresInfant/Pedi andFAX800.437.2966X-Small sizes come in achild-friendly n Adjustable bicep closure accommodates pediatric arms animal printFREEDOM Pediatric Elbow Sleevesslip on with adjustable hook-and-loop topn Clips prevent migrationclosure and are sized for pediatric patients. Use for lateral ligament sprains, strains, bursitis, tendonitis, arthritis, or soft-tissue injuries. Also for patient protection and post- Arm Splints restrict arm movement without rigid stays.AliMed.com 888.226.3288operative support or long-term injury management. Flexible, double-sided,nylon-coveredFilled with flame-retardant polystyrene beads. Clips attach neoprene construction provides warmth, comfort, and form-fitting compression.to patients sleeve to prevent sliding. Hook-and-loop strap Hyperextension model features crisscross hook-and-loop adjustable straps to helpclosures. Infant/Pedi and X-Small sizes come in child-prevent hyperextension. Fits left or right. friendly animal print. Fits left or right.18 "-thick double-sided neoprene with nylon coverBlack Machine-washable Sizing: Measure largest aspect of forearm circumference. X-Small, 4"-5"; Small, 5"-6"; Medium, 6"-7"; LIMB LIMBLarge, 7"-8"; X-Large, 8"-9". ITEM # SIZE LENGTH CIRC. QTY HYPEREXTENSION #2970002496* INFANT/PEDI 3" 1 12 "-4"EACHSIZE ELBOW SUPPORT ELBOW SUPPORT QTY #2970002497* INFANT/PEDI 7" 3"-10"EACHX-SMALL #2970002858 #2970002863 EACH #2970002498* X-SMALL 10" 3"-12"EACHSMALL #2970002857 #2970002862 EACH #2970002499 SMALL 11" 3"-14"EACHMEDIUM #2970002859 #2970002864 EACH #2970002500 MEDIUM 13" 6"-17"EACHLARGE #2970002856 #2970002861 EACH #2970002502 LARGE 14" 8"-21"EACHX-LARGE #2970002860 #2970002865 EACH *Child-friendly animal print. California residents, see left page. California residents, see left page.LOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 73'