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b'Oral Motor Therapy SPEECH & LANGUAGEnFor faster, less stressful oral examsTic-Tong Flavored Tongue DepressorsFacilitate great interaction during oral motor n Promotes lateral tongue movement therapy. Help make any exam faster and less stressful for ARK\'s Oro-NavigatorThe first toolyour young clients. Tutti-frutti specifically designed to promote lateral tongueflavored. Standard and Animal movement. Use to navigate tongue from side to(molded at the top). Individually side or up and down. Placing open side aroundwrapped, disposable. Plastic, tongue allows tongue to be moved within thefree of sugar or medicine oral cavity. Great for resistance exercises, yetsubstance. small enough to prevent gagging. Made of FDA- 58 "W x 5"LMixed colorsNotStandardcompliant, medical-grade materials so teeth andmade with natural rubber latexoral tissue will not be injured with a tonic bite. Narrow handle allows easy placement.#2970010775 STANDARD 40/PACKNo BPA, PVC, lead, phthalates, or latexDishwasher- #2970010776 STANDARD 5 PACK/CASEORAL MOTOR THERAPYsafeBlue #2970010777 ANIMAL 40/PACK#2970010778 ANIMAL 5 PACK/CASE#2970011108 ORO-NAVIGATOR EACH California residents, see left page. AnimalCalifornia residents, see left page.Round head allows a rolling action Square head offers three textures: smooth, bumpy, and striatedn Rounded massage brushn Round head n Square head NUK MassagersGreat tool for initial oral-ARK\'s proPreefer Used for oral motorARK\'s Probe Great for intraoral usethemotor therapy and stimulation. Rounded massage treatment and sensory input similar to the popularperfect size for young mouths. Designed by abrush has soft rubber flanges arranged at the head Probe (at right). Round head allows rolling action.speech-language pathologist. Square head offersforeffective stimulation in any direction. Thick, Constructed of sturdy medical-grade plastic. Usethree textures: smooth, bumpy, and striated.contoured handle for easygrasping. Can be used to stimulate gums, palate, and tongue throughCan be used to apply deep pressure, stroke thewith young children and infants for oral-motor stroking and by applying pressure. Texturedsides of the tongue, or as a jaw-stabilizing device.facilitation,stimulation, anddesensitization. surfaces for tactile awareness and sensation.Nonslip grip and tough enough to resist biting.Individually wrappedRecommended one per childHead: 34" long,38 " round, with 4" handleNo BPA, Head: 34" long,38 " square, with 4" handleNo BPA, PVC, Rinse thoroughly after each use (wash occasionally PVC, lead, phthalates, or latex lead, phthalates, or latex with warm water and gentle soap)Replace after twoor three monthsFAX800.437.2966#2970011111 PROPREEFER EACH #2970011110 PROBE EACH #2970010989 NUK MASSAGER6/PACKCalifornia residents, see left page. California residents, see left page. California residents, see left page. Scan to shop more AliMed.com 888.226.3288Swallowing TreatmentProbe Tipproducts online!n Vibrating tool for oral motor therapyARKs Z-Vibe A vibratory tool for oral motor therapy to normalize sensitivities and to improveReplacement Jaw Rehabilitationspeech and feeding skills. The lightweight, plasticProbe TipProgram handpiece features the Probe Tip at one end, and the on/off Switch Tip at the opposite end. Replacement Probe Tips sold separately.Probe Tips are waterproof.#2970011085 Z-VIBE KIT KITZ-Vibe handle: 4 5 / 8 "L x " diameterLong-life battery#2970011109 REPL. PROBE TIP EACHincludedKit contains: Z-Vibe, 1 Probe TipNo BPA,California residents, see left page.AliMed.com PVC, lead, phthalates, or latexLOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 101'