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b'ColorCards ADULT SPEECH AND LANGUAGESequences: 6- & 8-Step for Adults Sequences in indoor and outdoor locations give opportunities for language work, including syntax, grammar, vocabulary, and time concepts. Features adult models and appropriate activities. Includes unexpected twists within the sequences. Manual written in English and eight other languages. Contains: 48 laminated cards (6" x 6"), instruction booklet, and storage box#82278 SEQUENCES: 6- & 8-STEP FOR ADULTSBXFamiliar VerbsA second set of new cardsCalifornia residents, see left page.to update a collection of verb cards. All images are of frequently used, easily recognizable verbs. Associated objects have been added to the images to give an idea of place and encourage expressive language. Manual written in English and eight other languages. Whats Wrong?Great new photos to stimulate Contains: 48 laminated cards (6" x 8"), manual, andvisual observation, thinking skills, and language. storage box Large, sturdy, full-color photographs show #82188FAMILIAR VERBS BX mistakes in everyday scenes. Situations range from California residents, see left page. the obvious (a picture hanging upside down) to the subtle (too many clothes for a small suitcase). All age levels are depicted for use with a wide variety of clients. Manual written in English and eight other languages. Contains: 48 laminated cards (6" x 8") and storage box#8933WHATS WRONG?BXCalifornia residents, see left page.Everyday ObjectsSecond Edition SetCause and EffectStimulating cards illustrating of full-color cards includes objects found in both2-step sequences of day-to-day events. Designed indoor and outdoor settings. Cards are arrangedto help develop logical and critical thinking skills, in categories such as food, household objects,this set also helps with verbal reasoning, as well personal items, clothes, and outside objects. Mayas encouraging the use and practice of questions. be used in groups or one-to-one situations. Its aContains 24 sequenced pairs that illustrate how valuable resource for:one thing leads to another. A specific situation FAX800.437.2966Developing comprehension is presented on the first card, then the user Encouraging expressive languagepredicts a possible outcome that may or may not Improving communication skillsbe shown on the second card. Includes a variety Building vocabularyof situations that are immediate or happen over a Examples include cheese, mirror, kettle,period of time, are welcome or unwelcome, and farmyard animals, skateboard, and many more.are positive or negative. Manual written in English Accompanying booklet details the contents ofand eight other languages. AliMed.com/speech 866.298.2601the set and includes suggested ways to use theContains: 48 laminated cards (6" x 8"), notes for use, and cards. Manual written in English and eight otherstorage boxlanguages.#80676CAUSE AND EFFECT BXContains: 48 laminated cards (6" x 8"), manual, andCalifornia residents, see left page.storage box#83433 EVERYDAY OBJECTSBXCalifornia residents, see left page. Sequences: 4-StepSet contains 12 new 4-step sequences of familiar activities. Wide range of indoor and outdoor events. Includes numerous step-by-step More online! scenarios such as making cakes, going to the dentist, and buying a new pet. Manual written in English and eight other languages. ColorCardsContains: 48 laminated cards (6" x 6"), instruction booklet, and storage box#82190SEQUENCES: 4-STEP BXSCAN HERE California residents, see left page.LOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 9'