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b'COGNITIVE REHAB/BRAIN INJURY BEST SELLER! Cognitive/Brain Injury AssessmentDLOTCA Dynamic Cognitive Battery and DLOTCA-GLowenstein Rehabilitation Scale of Cognitive and Communicativespeech comprehension, reading comprehension,Hospital, IsraelThese kits provide reliable, valid, Ability for Neurorehabilitation (SCCAN), writing, attention, and problem-solving. Can beand predictable information that can help assess Lisa Milman and Audrey HollandAppropriateadministered in 30 minutes.clients cognitive or social level, chart a course for a broad range of clients with neurocognitiveof treatment, and track changes over time. They Contains: Examiners manual, stimulus book, 25 recordincorporate a dynamic component that provides and communicative impairment. Determines thebooklets, 25 written response booklets, 25 summary severity of impairment, helps establish appropriateforms, and storage box measuring of learning potential and recognizing treatment goals, and helps draft treatment plans.thinking strategies, and identifies the level of Contents relate to adult daily activities. The eight#83035SCCANKIT awareness of a client and the condition and scales cover oral expression, orientation, memory,California residents, see below. cognitive disability. DLOTCA was validated with clients 18 to 69 years and contains 28 subtests in seven cognitive areas: orientation, awareness, visual perception, spatial perception, praxis, visuomotor construction, and thinking operations. DLOTCA-G is for clients over 70 (see detailed description, p. 24).Contains: Manual, scoring forms, manipulatives, and carrying case#82971DLOTCAKIT#82972DLOTCA-GKITCalifornia residents, see belowRoss Information Processing Assessment (RIPA-2)Second Edition, Deborah Ross-FAX800.437.2966 SwainQuantifies cognitive-linguistic deficits,Scales of Cognitive Ability for Traumatic determines severity levels for each skill area,Brain Injury (SCATBI), Brenda B. Adamovichand develops rehabilitation goals and objectives.and Jennifer HendersonA battery of subtests toShows quantifiable data for profiling 10 key areasassess the cognitive and linguistic abilities of clients basic to communicative and cognitive functioning.with head injuries. Five subtests can be admin istered Test items have proven to be unbiased to ageindividually or together in 10 to 45 minutes. Includes or gender. Includes severity levels and treatmentperception/discrimination, orientation, organization, 866.298.2601AliMed.com/speech goal development in immediate memory, recentrecall, and reasoning subtests that progress in memory, temporal orientation (recent and remote),difficulty to very high levels and allow clients to beReceptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary information recall, environment orientation,measured with the same instrument as they regainTestFourth Edition, Nancy A. Martin andorganization, spatial orientation, problem-solving/ the use of higher-level abilities.Rick BrownellAn individually administered,reasoning, and auditory processing.Contains: Examiners manual, stimulus manual, stimulusnorm-referenced assessment of how well aContains: Examiners manual, 25 record forms, andcard set, stimulus audio cassette, 25 record forms, andclient can match a word that is heard (in 25 profile summary forms carrying case English) to objects, actions, or concepts #80186RIPA-2KIT #80168SCATBI KITKIT presented in full-color pictures. This multiple-#83083RECORD FORMS25/PK #80169ADDITIONAL RECORD FORMS25/PK choice format test consists of 190 items presented California residents, see below. California residents, see below. in a developmental sequence of concepts reflected in home, school, or media. Age-related starting points and ceilings (set number of errors) More online! ensure that only a subset of items (the critical range) is admin ist ered. Test is untimed but can be administered in about 20 minutes; scoring is easy and takes about 5 minutes, with raw scores Cognitive Rehab reported as standard score, and percentile ranks.SCAN HERE Contains: Examiners manual, test plates, and 25& Brain Injury record forms#83006ONE-WORD PICTURE VOCABULARY TESTKITCalifornia residents, see below.California Proposition 65 StatementWARNING:This product can expose you to chemicals including Di(2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate (DEHP), which is known to the State 16 of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to https://www.p65warnings.ca.gov.'