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b'Treatment/Problem-SolvingCOGNITIVE REHAB/BRAIN INJURYBEST SELLER!Cognitive ReorganizationThird Edition,Sharon HolloranUpdated to include new contemporary stimuli regarding memory, attention, and orientation deficits. Fresh, challenging, and functional materials to improve cognitive-linguistic functioning in any clinical setting for individuals The Brain Injury Workbook, Trevor Powell anddiagnosed with traumatic brain injury. The clear Kit MaliaRich, comprehensive, and reproducibleprint makes it easier for clients to respond.workbook for professionals, caregivers, and thoseActivities are organized into ten major headings: who have suffered a brain injury. Helps developReality Orientationadaptive compensatory strategies after brain injury.AttentionExcellent for moderate-to-high-level clients. IncludesSimple Relationships and Associations40 information sheets on key problem areas withSimple Problem Solving Manual includes more than 4,200 stimuli and questions designed to educate and stimulateAbstract Reasoning a reproducible information sheet. Great for thinking and discussion; and questionnaires andFunctional Problem Solving telepractice.quizzes to evaluate clients. Great for telepractice. Independent Information ManagementPragmatics in Action 295 pages, softcoverIncludes over 140 cognitive exercises for: Mathematical Reasoning #82623COGNITIVE REORGANIZATIONEAMemory Functional Activities California residents, see left page.Thinking skills Executive functions Awareness InsightQ & A CardsEmotional adjustment242 pages, softcover, wire binding Categorization & Scanning CardsImages #83085THE BRAIN INJURY WORKBOOKEA of items such as tools, dairy products, writing California residents, see left page. instruments, kitchen gadgets, and more. Questions and answers on the back promote categorizing and scanning skills.Contains: 25 photo cards#82834CATEGORIZATION & SCANNINGSETCalifornia residents, see left page.Problem SolvingImages showing pictorial absurdities, including fishing in a bathtub andConfrontational NamingImages of everyday FAX800.437.2966Just for Adultskayaking with dumbbells. Questions and answers onobjects such as an apple or book. Questions and Photo Cards the back include What is wrong with this picture? answers on the back promote word-finding skills.Large-size cardsContains: 25 photo cards Contains: 25 photo cardsfeature high-quality,#82764PROBLEM SOLVING SET #82763CONFRONTATIONAL NAMINGSETrealistic photos with stimuli questions on the back.California residents, see left page. California residents, see left page.The photos show people of all ages engaged in everyday activities as well as some photos ofAliMed.com/speech 866.298.2601everyday environs. The cards are divided into five sections: Problem Solving depicts 112 dangerousSequencing Photo CardsEach deck contains situations or safety issues; Abstract Reasoning 25 up-to-date image sequences of adult-based Comparing/Contrasting has 60 cards that giveactivities. These sequences facilitate recovery the client practice comparing and contrastingin various cognitive areas and across languages. objects and human traits; Abstract Reasoning They help assess fluency; vocal quality; intensity; Making Inferences has 30 cards that require thestrength and coordination of clients; mental client to make correct inferences and predictionsmanipulation of information; telling steps needed about the photos; Abstract ReasoningOddto complete tasks; and staying on topic during One Out with 30 cards each with four photos,conversations. Order of each step in the sequence one not belonging; Sequencing with 128 photosis shown on the back. divided into 17 four-step and 10 six-step functionalEach set contains: 25 cards (4" x 6") and ring holder Sequencing Photo Cards5-Step have five sets sequences familiar to everyday life. The cardsSequencing Photo Cards3-Step have eightof sequences with more specific details to the task. can also be used to spark discussion, strengthensets of sequences. Clutter-free photos that includeThey include setting a table, leaving the house, conversational skills, and develop cognitive skills.taking medication, packing a suitcase, sweepingputting in a light bulb, writing a letter, and making Seven instruction cards are included.up, feeding the dog, and more.cupcakes.Contains: 360 double-sided, coated cards (7" x 5"), Sequencing Photo Cards4-Step have six sets#829003-STEP SETand storage box of sequences that show specific steps such as#829014-STEP SET#83150JUST FOR ADULTS PHOTO CARDSSET taking out the trash, tying a necktie, wrapping a#829025-STEP SETCalifornia residents, see left page. gift, putting a table together, and more. California residents, see left page.LOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 17'