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b'Assessment Swallowing Ability and Function All-in-one light Evaluation (SAFE), Deborah Ross-Swain, DYSPHAGIAPeggy Kipping, and Patricia YeeGives a diagnosis and tongueor label of dysphagia to generate a treatment depressor! plan. Administered quickly in clinical or bedside assessment, it gives a comprehensive picture of swallowing ability. It focuses on:Identifying specific problems Developing treatment plansMaking periodic re-evaluations and assessments of progressDetermining effectiveness of variousThroat Scope No more awkward jugglinginterventions on test performanceof a tongue depressor and a flashlight for oralGreat for post-intubation therapy.cavity examinations. All-in-one light and tongueContains: Examiners manual, treatment manual, depressor allows one-handed control. The lightand profile/examiner record forms (pad of 50)is guided by the blade to illuminate the inside of#88871SAFEKITthe mouth/throat to provide a fast, accurate, and pleasant oral cavity examination. Just attach theCalifornia residents, see left page.blade to the handle and it lights up. Easy, one-flick action removes the disposable blade from the handle. Includes a re-usable handle that contains LEDs and battery and a transparent blade forThe Source for DysphagiaFourth Edition, depressing the tongue. Great for post-intubationNancy B. SwigertThis best-selling book is a therapy. Starter Kit contains handle and 2 blades.practical resource that gives you an evidence-based, Additional Blades available. working knowledge of the evaluation and treatment #83397THROAT SCOPE STARTER KIT KIT of dysphagia plus tools to organize your dysphagia services. Provides current information about #83398ADDITIONAL BLADES 50/BX evaluation and treatment, with particular attention #83415COMBO: 1 STARTER KIT,to updating evidence for treatment techniques. 1 BOX OF BLADESKIT Significant revisions include:California residents, see left page. Additional information about what to know before evaluating a clientFor tracheostomy Validated screening tools and screening different populationsStreamlined clinical swallow evaluationHelpful chart for interpreting findings on VSS and FEES Comes with online access to additional printable Revised long-term and short-term goals and pages of therapy materials, patient/family FAX800.437.2966treatment objectives based on current evidenceeducational materials, and evaluation forms.Decision making and ethical challengesencountered with the end of life, and an256 pages, softcoverupdated reference list and reference list #83446DYSPHAGIA EAorganized by treatment technique California residents, see left page. AliMed.com/speech 866.298.2601Pocket T.O.M. An anatomical model ideal for hands-on demonstration, trainingTic-Tong Flavored Tongue Depressors of tracheostomy care, and discussion offacilitate great interaction during oral motor therapy. tracheostomy and nasogastric tube placementHelps make any exam faster and less stressful issues. All parts come in a storage case that fitsfor your clients. Tutti-frutti flavored. Individually in your pocket! A stoma is provided in the lowerwrapped, disposable. Plastic, free of sugar or neck area to allow demonstrations, and themedicine substances. Animal version on p. 30.nare is open to allow insertion and placement58 "W x 5"LMixed colorsNot made with natural rubber of suction catheter or nasogastric tube. The kitlatexincludes a cuffed tracheostomy tube, Passy-Muir valves (2000, 2001, 007), valve secure#82273TONGUE DEPRESSOR 40/PKstrap, warning label, 5cc syringe, simulated#82274TONGUE DEPRESSOR5 PK/CSnasogastric tube, and support stand. Not madeCalifornia residents, see left page.with natural rubber latex. 4 12 "W x 6 12 "HPlastic with antimicrobial finish Not for client use#82947POCKET T.O.M.EACalifornia residents, see left page.More Oral Motor Therapy productsp. 14LOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 11'