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b'Phonological AidsCOMMUNICATIONBEST SELLER!Ergonomic design11 total for improved gripdial settingsDesigned toInspiratory andpromote lip seal expiratory settingsadjust independentlyPortable Voice AmplifiersThis personalNow available in Pink!amplifier is a lightweight, clear, fantastic audio boost. Speaker has a range of up to 33 feet.Easy to useThe included amplifier clip and strap give youand cleanmultiple carrying optionspocket, waistband, over-the-shoulder, or as a belt. Can be placed in5 exhale settings 6 inhale settingsthe center of a group. The microphone headset is comfortable, flexible, and charges in 2 to 4 hours. The lithium battery charges in 3 to 5 hours and plays up to 8 hours.Contains: Microphone headset w/connecting wire,THE BREATHER is a Respiratory Muscle Training (RMT) device that is effective in rebuilding amplifier with clip, strap, and battery charger strength in both inspiratory and expiratory muscles of respiration. Trains diaphragmatic breathing to #83447PORTABLE VOICE AMPLIFIEREA improve breath support for speech production, swallow safety, productive cough, and helps reduce California residents, see left page. dyspnea. This unique, ergonomic handheld tool features 11 independent settings to strengthen both inhalation and exhalation and can be used with breathing or speaking valves. Great for post-intubation therapy.1 18 "W x 5 116 "L x 1 78 "HClean with soap and water Scan for more details and Breath Builders#82874BLUE EA video resources, including:Easy-to-use tool that#83470PINK EA nHow to use THE BREATHERn How to breathe during trainingrequires client to exhale California residents, see left page. n How to clean THE BREATHERand inhale through aPlus, THE BREATHER app!tube to keep the ball at the top of the chamber. Helps promote better breath support to improve speech. Provides visual feedback. Two tubes FAX800.437.2966for different levels of exercise. Colors may vary.Instruction sheet included Nontoxic, dishwasher-safeTheraSIP VocalSTRAW For voice rehabilitation using Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract (SOVT) exercises. Stainless steel tube with five small bored holes andAliMed.com/speech 866.298.2601#80244BREATH BUILDER EAtwo tube inserts. Use the closed tube insert for California residents, see left page. increased difficulty and the open-ended insert for decreased difficulty. Includes exercise regimen, four telescoping straws, case, lanyard, and cleaning brush.SwallowMist #83479VOCALSTRAWEAA unique tool California residents, see left page.used to moisten the mouth. Simply fill withSee-ScapeDetects nasal emissions of air water, pump toduring speech. When tip is placed in clients pressurize, andnares, any emission of air causes the float to rise press the buttonin the rigid plastic tube. Gives visual feedback and to mist water into the mouth. indication of air flow pressure and velopharyngeal One short press provides less thanincompetence. Can be used for both treatment 1 ml of water; hold down longer toand home practice. increase the amount dispensed.Contains : Device, nasal tips, and manualFor individual use only. Comes with#80246*SEE-SCAPE KITKITinstructions for use.#80247ADDITIONAL NASAL TIP6/PK#83096SWALLOWMIST EA *Note: This product cannot be returned. California residents, see left page. California residents, see left page.LOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 23'