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b'Language TherapyADULT SPEECH AND LANGUAGEBEST SELLER!Picture Noun CardsBright, pleasing photo cards from nine basic categories (animals, foods, vehicles, furniture, clothing, toys, everyday objects,Language Activities Resource Kit (LARK-2)Second Edition, Richard A. Dresslershapes, and colors). The only flashcard set to offerIncludes an updated collection of objects, photographs, illustrations, and print material for use in 15 Basic Stage Set (105 cards). In Stage One,language therapy with adults who have moderate-to-severe language disorders. Useful in speech two identical images are on white backgrounds,production tasks for improving intelligibility, enhancing comprehension and expression, and helping including shape and color cards. In Stage Two, fivewith functional communication. Draws from various methods and techniques to restore ability to similar images are in their natural settings. Thecommunicate effectively. Expanded print materials include vocabulary and question cards that have back of each card is numbered and gives a labelsentence closure phrases. Manual/workbook gives specific instructions for therapy sessions without and category for the image, as well as suggestedsubscribing to any particular theory or approach. Manual/Workbook can be purchased separately. activities appropriate to the card.Contains: 350 cards (5" x 3"), stickers, dividers, andContains: Manual/workbook, two each of 25 objects, 200 cards, and storage boxstorage box #82220LARK-2 COMPLETE KITKIT#82862PICTURE NOUN CARDSSET #82221MANUAL/WORKBOOK ONLYEACalifornia residents, see left page. California residents, see left page.VNS/Kilpatrick GuidesA Selection of Stimulus Materials, Volume 1This best-selling volume has hundreds of large-print, well-FAX800.437.2966organized worksheets for specific language stimulation needed for adults with aphasia or other neurological difficulties. Activities cover a hierarchy that increases client motivation and leads to increased independence. Practical activities for adults at various levels of rehabilitation as well as reproducible take-home sheets for follow-through work between sessions. Great for telepractice.AliMed.com/speech 866.298.2601Topics include: Listening Number skillsComprehensionSpeech productionReading comprehensionGesturesSpeech and languageWork communicationAll volumes include a Writing charts flash drive for easier Each section has color-coded tab dividers.telepractice! Flash driveContains: 430 pages, plastic cover/binding, and flash drive#83109VOLUME 1, ENGLISHEACalifornia residents, see left page.More volumes available:Plastic cover and binding, includes flash drive#83110ADVANCED STIMULUS MATERIALS, VOL. 2, 254 PAGESEA#83111WORKING WITH WORDS, VOL. 3, 289 PAGESEA#83112PUTTING THE PIECES TOGETHER, VOL. 4, 389 PAGESEA#83113READING COMPREHENSION MATERIALS, VOL. 5, 350 PAGESEACalifornia residents, see left page.LOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 7'