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b'Chewing/Swallowing Mouth strengthening exercises with mirrorDYSPHAGIAOral Images Each set has 12 basic oral exercises to help strengthen mouth area and muscle groups in adults with various neurological disorders, following head/neck surgery, or with other conditions resulting in swallowing problems. Exercises displayed arounda small plastic mirror mounted in the middle of heavy paper.Easy-to-read explanations facilitate independent practice andself-monitoring by the client. Original Oral Images providebasic exercises. Oral Images 2 expands these with morestrengthening. Both give immediate visual feedback, general suggestions for use, and space for individual instruction. 8 12 "W x 11"H3"W x 4"H mirrorColored heavy card stock#80610ORAL IMAGES 10/PKTheraSIP#88840001ORAL IMAGES, SPANISH10/PKDirectMIST #81650ORAL IMAGES 2 10/PK Also in is a long-arm mist#88840101ORAL IMAGES 2, SPANISH 10/PKsprayer that directsCalifornia residents, see left page. Spanishsmall amounts of liquid within theoral cavity with greater strengthand control. TheInnovative jaw rehab productsmist provides 25 sprays per 1 tsp of fluid (.12ml Jaw Rehabilitation Program, Mary E. per spray). The long-arm sprayer can be positionedSchiavoniStep-by-step series of oral motor 360 and can be used with oral lubricating products,treatment goals and objectives to develop as a straw for wetting the mouth, or as part offundamental biting and chewing skills. Discusses swallowing treatment.how to initiate appropriate pre-biting mandibular #83478DIRECTMISTEA movement and how to develop rhythmical andCalifornia residents, see left page. repetitive movement. Contains: 50-page manual, 25 assessment forms, and six Chewy Tubes (three small stem, lemon yellow and three larger stem, cherry red)#81700JAW REHABILITATION PROGRAMKITCalifornia residents, see left page.Chewy Tubes These innovative oral motor devices offer resilient, chewable non-food surfaces for FAX800.437.2966developing and practicing biting and chewing skills. Safe, nontoxic surface is free of latex, lead, PVC, or phthalates. A tube is presented laterally into the mouth. The stem of the tube is touched to the cutting surface of the molar teeth/gum. Use under supervision after jaw assessment. May be cleaned by washing with mild soap and water. Contains: Six yellow tubes with a small stem size, six red tubes with a wider stem size, and instruction sheet#81701CHEWY TUBESKIT AliMed.com/speech 866.298.2601California residents, see left page.SwallowMistA unique tool used to moistenGray Bluethe mouth. Simply fill with water, pump toTextured Smoothpressurize, and press the button to mist water Closed-loop handleFor adults or mature jawsinto the mouth. One short press provides less than 1 ml of water; hold down longer to increaseSuper Chews Chewable surfaces feature a Chewy Tubes for developing and practicing the amount dispensed. Effective for clients withclosed-loop handle for easy grasping. The solidbiting and chewing skills. Gray Chews are swallowing problems and especially for those whostem is for practicing biting and chewing designed for adults to be less obtrusive whileare designated as nothing-by-mouth. Provides askills and prevents saliva collection.Blue Chews have a larger diameter with thicker safe manner of practicing swallows since the finewall stems for mature jaws. mist will be comparable to the amount of saliva in#82754GREEN, SMOOTH 6/PKa dry swallow. For individual use only. Instructions#82755RED, TEXTURED 6/PK #83391GRAY 6/PKfor use included. California residents, see left page. #82438BLUE 6/PK#83096SWALLOWMIST EA California residents, left page.California residents, see left page.More Oral Motor Therapy productsp. 14LOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 13'