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b'Cognition ResourcesCOGNITIVE REHAB/BRAIN INJURYThe Communication Activities of Daily Living (CADL-3)Third Edition, Audrey L. Holland, Davida Fromm, and Linda WozniakIndividually administered assessment of the functional communication skills of adults with neurogenic communication disorders. Given in about 30 minutes, Flex Your Memory Cards, Susan Howellit contains 50 items assessing Brubacker, Carolyn Daly and Lisa Mammasery communication activities in seven areas: Stimulate auditory and visual recall withReading, writing, and using prospective memory triggers. This dual-conceptnumberstool is an innovative way to address retention, working memory, and prospective memory with Social interactionsclients who are developing strategies and need Contextual communicationfunctional practice. White task cards provide Nonverbal communicationinformation to remember. Green trigger cards Sequential relationshipsshow various (future) times and/or conditionalHumor, metaphor, and absurdity to the basic use of technology including mobile parameters for recalling that information. Pairing a Internet basics phones, the Internet, and email added. An all-new task card and a trigger card requires the client tostandardization sample (20142016) was collected.use strategies to know when and what to recall.New features include the Stimulus book illustrationsContains: Examiners manual, stimulus book, 25 patient Additional ideas, variations, and suggestions arereplaced with photos, allowing for a greaterresponse forms, 25 examiner record booklets, and included.sense of realism; administration instructions havestorage box been added to the Examiner Record Booklet to#83403THE COMMUNICATION ADLKITContains: 25 green trigger cards, 65 white task cards,increase examiners ease of use; items pertainingCalifornia residents, see left page. instructions, and storage box#83029FLEX YOUR MEMORY CARDS SETCalifornia residents, see left page.Complex ChallengesWALC 10 Memoryfor Cognition, Clients focus on their Susan Howell Brubaker,strengths to identify Carolyn Doty, and memory strategies that Lisa Mammoserwork, then practice and A collection of mid- apply their memory to high-level visuallystrategies to new based Challenges oncontexts. Begins with large four-color carda series of activities to stock. The directionsdetermine the clients are on one side and the activitydominant coding for those directions are on the other side. Clientsystem (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic). Clients FAX800.437.2966must retain and apply information to completerecognize memory strategies they already use and the tasks. The Challenges incorporate workingthe value of learning new ones. The rest of the memory and attention, while addressing skillsbook focuses on learning and practicing memory Just for Adults Each book in this seriessuch as visual scanning, word retrieval, math, andstrategies. Lessons are organized by memory addresses an integral component of dailyreading. Appropriate for adolescents and adultsstrategies that include Word/Mental Picture communication and reasoning in a format just rightexperiencing cognitive deficits. Each Challenge isAssociations, Following Written and Oral Directions, for adults with language and cognitive disorders.unique, easily adaptable, engaging, and fun.Word List Retention, and many more. IncludesAliMed.com/speech 866.298.2601Adult clients improve attention, mental manipulationContains: 33 cards (8" x 11"), clinician guide, answeranswer key.of information, and comprehension with one- key, and carrying case 186 pages, softcoverpage language lessons that progress in difficulty.#83386COMPLEX CHALLENGES FOR COGNITIONSET #83338WALC 10 MEMORY EAA screening tool in each book helps identify the clients use of reasoning strategies prior toCalifornia residents, see left page. California residents, see left page.designing therapy sessions. The content is basic to moderate difficulty level and reflects a wide variety of language needs for everyday functioning. EachWALC 12 Executive Functioning, Kathryn J TomlinStimulate book targets a different language skill area withneurologically impaired clients executive functioning with activities that appropriate content and reading levels for adultsuse relevant content, themed around home activities and home with acquired communication disorders. maintenance. Many of the items involve working memory which taps Six-book set contains:into the clients general knowledge base; have multiple appropriateAbstractDeductionsanswers which gives the client practice with thought flexibility; have Categories Following Directionsno right or wrong answers as the responses will be based on theConcreteWord Relationships clients subjective opinions and preferences; and will assist the client in Categories Yes/No Questions developing decision-making skills based on fact as opposed to unverified Contains: Six 40-page books, each with screening tool opinions. All are fully reproducible for use individually or in groups. and answer key 200 pages, softcover#83156JUST FOR ADULTSSET #83372WALC 12 EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING EACalifornia residents, see left page. California residents, see left page.LOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 19'