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b'Memory Aids/ActivitiesELDERLY/DEMENTIABEST SELLER!Activity Pillows offer simple activities that help keep busy hands occupied and minds calm. Diverts anxious clients and can stimulate conversation. High-quality, padded mat with straps to secure onto any bed or tray. Each item is permanently attached to help prevent swallowing or loss. Activities includezipping, buttoning, fastening/unfastening VELCRO-brand strip, and buckling. 22"W x 15 12 "H x 1"DMachine-washableWALC 10 MemoryClients focus on their#80385ACTIVITY PILLOW EAstrengths to identify memory strategies that work,California residents, see left page.then practice and apply their memory strategies to new contexts. Begins with a series of activities to determine the clients dominant coding systemHappy Hands Overlays offers tactile (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic). Clients recognizestimulation activities such as zipping, lacing, and memory strategies they already use and the valuebuttoning. Clear pocket holds photo. Sits on lap or of learning new ones. The rest of the book focusescan be attached to tray/chair. Suitable for on learning and practicing memory strategies.Alzheimers patients.Lessons are organized by memory strategies13"W x 26"LMachine-washable, dryer-safethat include Word/Mental Picture Associations, Following Written and Oral Directions, Word List#80934HAPPY HANDS OVERLAY EARetention, and many more. Includes answer key. California residents, see left page.186 pages, softcover#83338WALC 10 MEMORY EACalifornia residents, see left page. Group Activities with Older Adults,Vicki DentDevelops and implements a range of activities. Structured around 10 different areas of activity needs: cognitive, creative, cultural, emotional, educational/employment, physical, sensory, self-esteem, social, and spiritual. This comprehensive, reproducible manual gives hints, tips, and suggestions for successful planningand delivery. Includes guidance on recordingFAX800.437.2966and evaluating activity programs. 144 pages, softcover, wire binding#82088GROUP ACTIVITIES WITH OLDER ADULTS EACalifornia residents, see left page.Functional Memory Manual, Jean Elbaum, Peggy Kramer, Deborah Benson, and CarrieAliMed.com/speech 866.298.2601DulaskiAn interdisciplinary approach to building Flex Your Memory Cards, Susan Howellfunctional memory skills, emphasizing the use Brubacker, Carolyn Daly, and Lisa Mammosery of internal and external strategies to improve Stimulate auditory and visual recall withrecall. Chapters include strategies and activities prospective memory triggers. This dual-conceptfor improving attention, auditory recall, visual tool is an innovative way to address retention,recall, sequential recall, and functional memory. working memory, and prospective memory withInstructions at the beginning of each chapter clients who are developing strategies and needprovide guidance in selecting activities for individual functional practice. White task cards provideclients as well as examples of application. The information to remember. Green trigger cardsexercises are appropriate for clients with mild, show various (future) times and/or conditionalmoderate, and severe memory deficits. Many parameters for recalling that information. Pairing reproducible pages and carryover suggestions for a task card and a trigger card requires the client between-session practice. to use strategies to know when and what to recall.380 pages, softcover, spiral bindingAdditional ideas, variations, and suggestionsare included.#88862FUNCTIONAL MEMORY MANUALEA Contains: 25 green trigger cards, 65 white task cards,California residents, see left page.instructions, and storage box#83029FLEX YOUR MEMORY CARDS SET More Memory Aids at AliMed.com/memory-recallCalifornia residents, see left page.LOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 25'