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b'Flexion/Extension SplintsWRIST AND HANDTaping alternativen Allows freedom of movement n Reusable taping alternativeTrigger Finger SolutionBuddy Loop Tape alternative. Reusable washable (TFS)Frequent grasping orwraps can quickly and easily secure two or more contact with a particular object\x1fngers together. Not made with natural rubber latex. can cause fat pad atrophy at baseWashableof \x1fnger. TFS helps reduce pressure in this area, allowing daily activities#2970002416 12 "W 5/PACKto resume while fat pad heals. Repetitive contact#2970002646 12 "W 50/PACK 1"with padded sleeve also helps identify the activity#2970002759 34 "W5/PACKcausing the problem, so an alternative method#2970002760 34 "W 50/PACKcan be adopted. Can be worn on any \x1fnger with#2970002417 1"W5/PACK 34 "complete freedom of movement.#2970002647 1"W 50/PACK 12 "Blended neoprene rubber and nylon fabric California residents, see left page.FLEXION/EXTENSION SPLINTSSizing: Measure circumference between base of \x1enger and PIP joint. X-Small, 1"-2"; Small, 2"-2";n Trim to sizeMedium, 2"-2"; Large, 2"-3"; X-Large, 3"-33 8 ". Buddy StrapsComfortable hook-and-loop #2970002675 X-SMALL EACH closure. Trim with scissors for proper \x1ft. #2970002677 SMALL EACH #2970003555 58 "W 10/PACK#2970002676 MEDIUM EACH #2970003556 1"W 10/PACK#2970002678 LARGE EACH#2970002679 X-LARGE EACHCalifornia residents, see left page. California residents, see left page.A.n Shorter version of Model 501 (above) n PIP and slight MP extensionA. LMB Spring PIP Extension Assists (ModelB. LMB Spring Finger Extension Assists(Model 504) extend PIP joint without interfering with MP joint. 501) extend PIP joint with slight extension on MP. Bend Sizing: Measure volar surface distance from MP crease toto adjust tension. Wire-Foam for a customized \x1ft.distal nger crease. X-Small (AA), 1"; Small (A), 17 8 "; Sizing: Measure extended \x1enger from distal palmar crease to Medium (B), 2"; Large (C), 2"; X-Large (D), 25 8 ". distal \x1enger crease. X-Small (AA), 7 8 "W x 2"L; Small (A), 7 8 "W x 25 8 "L; Medium (B), 1"W x 3"L; Large (C), 11 8 "W x 3"L; X-Large #2970002044 X-SMALL (AA*) EACH (D), 11 8 "W x 4"L.B.#2970002042 SMALL (A*) EACH#2970002041 MEDIUM (B*) EACH #2970003447 X-SMALL (AA*) EACH#2970002040 LARGE (C*) EACH #2970003448 SMALL (A*) EACH#2970002043 X-LARGE (D*) EACH #2970003449 MEDIUM (B*) EACH*Mfg. size code #2970003450 LARGE (C*) EACHFAX800.437.2966California residents, see left page. #2970002433 X-LARGE (D*) EACH*Mfg. size coden Adjustable width California residents, see left page.C. Bunnell Reverse Knuckle Benders extendn Easily adjust tension C.PIP joint with gentle dynamic force. Antimicrobial-treated orthopedic-grade black felt pads with elasticD. Joint Jackapplies pressure on PIP joint for AliMed.com 866.662.0283bands not made with natural rubber latex, whichprogressive reduction of exion contracture. Metal can be added to or subtracted from to adjust force.nger bed lined with cotton felt. Padded screw Malleable stainless steel and spring wire frame cantightens to increase tension on nger joint.be quickly reshaped to meet patient needs.Sizing: Measure length of \x1enger from distal palmar crease. Sizing: Measure length of \x1enger. If between sizes, chooseSmall, 1"-2"; Medium, 2"-3"; Large, 3"-4"; X-Large, 3"-4"; larger size. X-Small, 1 12 "; Small, 1 58 "; Medium, 1 34 "; Large,XX-Large, 4"+.1 78 "; X-Large, 2". #2970002252 SMALL EACH D.#2970003532 X-SMALL EACH #2970002229 MEDIUM EACH#2970003536 SMALL EACH #2970002228 LARGE EACH#2970003537 MEDIUM EACH #2970002253 X-LARGE EACH#2970003538 LARGE EACH #2970002251 XX-LARGEEACH#2970003539 X-LARGE EACH California residents, see left page.California residents, see left page.Scan for more Finger Splints at AliMed.com/\x1fnger-splintsLOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 347'