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b'Maximize shock absorptionLOWER EXTREMITIESReduces heel-strike rebound velocityViscoelastic Polymer Heel Cups feature a computer-generated, biomechanically engineered visco-\x1dow control to dampen and reduce heel-strike rebound velocity, redirecting shock waves from a vertical to a horizontal direction for maximum shock absorption and shear reduction. Combine with Classic Heavy Duty our \x1frm Viscoelastic Varus/Valgus Wedges (p. 286)Dual durometer to post. Place on Wedges or glue in place. for maximum shock absorption SIZE WMNS MENS ITEM # QTY and shear n Multi-layer waf\x1de design 1 reductionSM 4 2 -8 5-6 #2970004439 PAIRTulis Classic Heel CupsDouble-ribbedMED 9-12 61 2 -81 2 #2970004438 PAIRwaf\x1de design. Molded synthetic rubber. Not madeLG9-14 #2970004437 PAIRwith natural rubber latex. Heavy Duty model California residents, see left page.HEEL CUPS AND CUSHIONSfeatures a larger, wider double-waf\x1de pattern that improves shock absorption. Sizing: Regular, under 175 lbs.; Large, over 175 lbs.#2970006712 CLASSIC, REGULARPAIR#2970006713 CLASSIC, LARGEPAIR pedi#2970004006 HEAVY DUTY, REGULARPAIR sizes#2970004007 HEAVY DUTY, LARGEPAIR n Wedge-shaped reliefCalifornia residents, see left page.ViscoHeel helps ViscoHeeland ViscoHeel Krelieve acute heelHeel CushionsContoured wedgeand ankle pain ViscoHeelK shape helps relieve acute heel and ankle paincounteracts varus/by absorbing impact forces on ankle, knee, andvalgus alignmenthip. Reduces strain on tendons, ligaments, and calf muscles. Ideal for pain above the heel such as withVISCOHEELachillodynia or Haglunds deformity. Anatomically#2970000206 SIZE 0 (PEDIATRIC) PAIRshaped. Medical-grade, viscoelastic, nonslip#2970000207 SIZE 1 PAIRsilicone. ViscoHeel K with sloped sides can be#2970000208 SIZE 2 PAIRplaced medially or laterally to correct varus/valgus#2970000209 SIZE 3 PAIRn Removable teardrop plug alignment. #2970000210 SIZE 4 PAIRSizing: Determined by shoe size. ViscoHeel:Size 0,VISCOHEEL KViscolas Heel Spur CushionsSoftchildren; Size 1, Wmns 31 2to 5, Mens 21 2to 4; Size 2,#2970007095 SIZE 1 PAIRviscoelastic polymer covered with water-resistantWmns 51 2to 8, Mens 41 2to 7; Size 3, Wmns 81 2to 11, fabric relieves pressure from heel. RemovableMens 71 2to 10; Size 4, Wmns 111 2to 13, Mens 101 2to 12.#2970007096 SIZE 2 PAIRteardrop plug. 1 1 1 1 #2970007097 SIZE 3 PAIRViscoHeel K: Size 1, children; Size 2, Wmns 5-9, Mens32 -72 ; Size 3, Wmns 92 -14, Mens 8-122 .California residents, see left page. Sizing: Size A \x1fts Wmns 4-6, Mens 2-4; Size C \x1fts Wmns FAX800.437.296610-12, Mens 8-10. WonderSpur #2970003862 SIZE APAIR#2970003883 SIZE CPAIRCalifornia residents, see left page. WonderCup AliMed.com 866.662.0283pedisizesn Choice of medial or center soft spot n Large center soft spotpedi WonderSpur Medially located soft spotSilicone Heel Cups help optimize pressure sizes relieves pain from heel spurs and plantar fasciitis.distribution and shock absorption to relieve WonderCup Centrally located soft spot relievesheel spur pain. Large center soft spot cushions n Quickly molds to foot contours pain throughout heel. Both made of silicone. heel. 100% medical-grade silicone. Low pro\x1fle. M-F Heel Protectors help relieve spurs andSIZE WMNSMENS WONDERSPURWONDERCUP Use in dress or athletic shoes. \x1fssured heels. Mold to patients foot.SM 4-5 2-4 #2970003719 #2970003715 Sizing: Small \x1fts most children; Medium \x1fts most Sizing: Adult \x1fts Wmns and Mens size 71 2and larger;MED 6-9 5-7 #2970003718 #2970003714 women; Large \x1fts most men.Junior \x1fts all children and Wmns size 7 and smaller.LG 10-12 8-10 #2970003717 #2970003713 #2970003889 SMALLPAIR#2970006623 ADULT 6 PAIRS/BOX XL 12+ 11+ #2970003720 #2970003716 #2970003888 MEDIUMPAIR#2970006689 JUNIOR 6 PAIRS/BOX PAIR PAIR #2970003887 LARGEPAIRCalifornia residents, see left page. California residents, see left page.California residents, see left page.LOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 287'