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b'HipSaver and Posey Hip Protection FALL MANAGEMENTHipSavers Hip ProtectionWear over underwear or alone. Soft, thin ( 12 " thick) sewn-in pads are tapered for protection. Poly/cotton and light-stretch LYCRA fabric can be worn 24 hours a day. Not made with natural rubber latex. Machine-washable and dryer-safe.Skin Protection SleevesShin Tubesn Easy toileting n Reinforced snaps HipSaver Open Bottomfor easy toileting.for durabilityUnderwear can be easily worn over. White. HipSaver QuickChangeSnap-down front Sizing: See chart below.panel allows incontinence pad/liner changes without removing briefs. Two-snap front panel. Beige.#2970009740 X-SMALL EACH Sizing: See chart below. #2970009738 SMALL EACH HIP PROTECTIONAND POSEY HIPSAVER#2970009737 MEDIUM EACH #2970009750 SMALL EACHFull Leg Tubes #2970009736 LARGE EACH #2970009749 MEDIUM EACH#2970009739 X-LARGE EACH #2970009748 LARGE EACH#2970009735 XX-LARGE EACH #2970009751 X-LARGE EACHCalifornia residents, see left page. California residents, see left page.Stay-Putn Large legn Easily snaps on/off Heel Protectors openings for hard-to-dressHipSaver Nursing Home Hip protectorpatientsbriefs with a roomy \x1ft. Elastic waistband, large legHipSaver Wrap and Snap Unsnaps for openings. Fabric crotch accommodates liners orresidents who require frequent changing. diapers. Beige. Accommodates liners or diapers. White.Sizing: See chart below.Sizing: See chart below. #2970009744 SMALL EACH #2970009756 SMALL EACH#2970009743 MEDIUM EACH #2970009755 MEDIUM EACH#2970009742 LARGE EACH #2970009754 LARGE EACHDetails,#2970009745 X-LARGE EACH #2970009757 X-LARGE EACHpp. 317, 456, 457 California residents, see left page. California residents, see left page.FAX800.437.2966HIPSAVER SIZINGSIZE FITS HIPS SIZE FITS HIPS SIZE FITS HIPSX-SMALL 28"-31" MEDIUM 36"-39" X-LARGE 45"-50"SMALL 32"-35" LARGE 40"-44" XX-LARGE 51"-57"AliMed.com 866.662.0283n Wear over undergarments or as underwearHipsters Briefs Body-contoured hip protectionSTANDARD BRIEFS w/NON-REMOVABLE PADSpads offer protection throughout the hip and are#2970011359 SMALL EACHmade of impact-absorbing, perforated EVA foam to#2970011360 MEDIUM EACHallow skin to breathe. Standard Briefs slip on over#2970011361 LARGE EACHundergarments or are worn as underwear. Discreet#2970011362 X-LARGE EACHand low-pro\x1fle, virtually undetectable underneath#2970009109 XX-LARGE EACHclothing. Incontinence Briefs feature a snap frontINCONTINENCE BRIEFS w/REMOVABLE PADSfor application over adult diapers. #2970011353 SMALL EACHComfortable polyester and cotton blend #2970011354 MEDIUM EACHSizing: Measure around waist and hips. Small, 28"-30" waist#2970011355 LARGE EACHand 35"-37" hips; Medium, 30"-34" waist and 37"-41" hips;#2970011356 X-LARGE EACHLarge, 34"-38" waist and 41"-45" hips; X-Large, 38"-42" waistCalifornia residents, see left page.and 45"-49" hips; XX-Large, 42"-46" waist and 49"-53" hips. Incontinence Briefs with Removable PadsLOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 247'