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b'Procedure AccessoriesActs like an extra pair of handsMRI ACCU-DRAW Hands-free access to multiple vials at MRIonce, keeping nurses\' hands out of the "needle danger zone" and avoidingpunctured \x1fngers. Durable plastic holder holds two single-dose and three multi-dose vials. Clamps onto any IV pole. Vials click and lock into place for security. When vials run out, easily replace any time during the procedure. Holds vials at the perfect angle for complete emptying, reducing medication waste. Recommended for surgeons, anesthesiologists, and IV nurses.Patient Protection. Vial labels are clearly visible at all times, ensuring patients receive the right medication and the expiration date has not passed. Helps reduce medicationStaff Safety. Hands-free vial holder keeps nurses hands out of theerrors and needle sticks!needle danger zone. Time Management. Ef\x1fcient multi-vial storage eliminates the need for extra staff to retrieve more vials or hold them when \x1flling syringes.PROCEDURE ACCESSORIESMR-safe#2970013650 ACCU-DRAW EACH Non-MRI version also available, p. 74.California residents, see left page.n Individually packaged sterilized itemsMRI Breast Biopsy Disposable Sterile KitsEach kit contains individually packaged items already sterilized, allowing unused pieces to be retained for other patients. Needles not included. Kit contains:Swabsticks, (1) PVP 3s, (1) Alcohol Prep Pad, (1) Nonferrous Disposable Scalpel #11, (1) Plastic 6\'\' Forceps, (1) Absorbent Towel, (1) 20cc Luer Lock Syringe, (2) 10cc Luer Lock Syringes, (1) 5cc Luer Lock Syringe, (8) 4"W x 4"L 12-Ply Gauze, (3) 2"W x 2"L 12-Ply Gauze, (1) 4-oz. Specimen Cup w/Lid, (1) Card of (3) " x 4"L Tape Strips, (1) Chloral Prep One-Step, 3 mL, (1) Skin Marker, (3) Blank labels, (1) Tray, 10"W x 5"L x 2"H#2970014060 MRI BREAST BIOPSY KIT 10 KITS/CASECalifornia residents, see left page.IV StandsFAX800.437.2966n Economical n Wall Saver end capsEcono IV StandsAll aluminum construction.help prevent scuff marksAliMed.com 866.662.028324"-diameter, \x1fve-leg base with oversized 3"IV StandsMade of top-quality stainless steel. monster casters (2 with brakes). Pole adjusts24"-diameter, \x1fve-leg aluminum base provides from 49"-95"H. Choose Two or Four Hooks.excellent stability. Telescopes from 74" to 110"H. MR-conditional to 3Tesla Nonmagnetic 2" casters. Choose Two or Four Rams Horn Hooks.#2970011970 TWO-HOOK EACH MR-conditional to 3Tesla#2970011969 FOUR-HOOK EACHCalifornia residents, see left page. #2970014430 TWO-HOOK EACH#2970013314 FOUR-HOOK EACHCalifornia residents, see left page.LOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 115'