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b'MATERIALS AND TOOLSD. AliMed Posting Stripsn Self-adhesiveNickelPlast Self-StickIdeal for any type of postingrearfoot, forefoot, medial,or lateral. Trim the strip to desired shape; attaches easily to bottom of orthotic. Flat for posting or lifts. Self-adhesive. Grind to modify. 4"W x 10"L#481018 " THICK6/PK#4811316 " THICK4/PKE. AliMed Genuine PPT ORTHOTIC MATERIALSDiab-A-Sheet Blue Ultralux E. Abraded BlueSurfaceSmooth Surfacen Three styles to choose fromGenuine PPT#1 medical-grade soft-tissuedissipate shock as an insole, a top c over for an C. AliMed Neoprene supplement for cushioning and shock absorption.insole, or a heel pad. Abraded side is the best Open-cell material can be glued on both sides. Notsurface for gluing. Ultralux top cover offers heat-moldable. Available in three styles: Smooth/superior moisture wicking to keep foot dry.Abraded, Ultralux top cover, or Diab-A-Sheet.Diab-A-Sheet combines the shock absorptionUse Smooth/Abraded PPT to absorb andof PPT with the moldability of Plastazote. PPT, 27"W x 36"LTHICKNESSQTYCASEBEST PRICE!#61103BLUE SMOOTH/ABRADED1 16 "SH#61104BLUE SMOOTH/ABRADED1 8 "SH#611258/CS #61105BLUE SMOOTH/ABRADED1 4 "SH#611264/CSn Hook-sensitive fabric on one sidePPT, 30"W x 36"LTHICKNESSQTYFAX800.437.2966Neoplush Neoprene 18 "-thick neoprene#61106BLUE ULTRALUX1 16 "SHwith soft, hook-sensitive fabric on one side, DIAB-A-SHEET, 19"W x 29"LTHICKNESSQTYnylon tricot on the other. Ideal for fabricating#4572PLASTAZOTE1 16 " PPT TO 1 8 "SHcustom splint straps and orthopedic supports.#4573PLASTAZOTE1 8 " PPT TO 1 8 "SH 12"W x 18"L sheet 316 " overall thicknessTan #4574PLASTAZOTE1 8 " PPT TO 1 4 "SH AliMed.com 866.936.2987#4444NEOPLUSH NEOPRENESHF. POLY-Un Shock-absorbing, Cloth Covereddoesnt bottom outOrthoticPOLY-UShock-absorbing insolePOLY-UMaterial Kits material. Open-cell urethane is p. 195 breathable, odorless, and washable. Not heat-moldable and will not bottom out.One side abraded for gluing. Cloth Covering on#4196is Royal Blue. Suede-like cloth helps#4193116 " THICKSHwick away moisture. Odor-resistant.#419418 " THICKSHSheet: 12"W x 54"L #4196CLOTH COVERED,18 " THICKSHLOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 201'