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b'Deviation Hand/ThumbDorsal OrthosesWRIST AND HANDTerrycloth cover shown with optional Cuddler DeviationFinger SeparatorHand/Thumb OrthosesSame features as Cuddler Hand/Thumb Orthosis (p. 130) with unique swivel joint below the wrist that allows lateral and medial positioning to accommodate ulnar or radial deviation. Soft, removable, machine-washable Terrycloth cover. One size (Adult). Fits left or right. Navy. Swivel joint for ulnarSizing: See chart on p. 130. or radial deviation#52896DEVIATION HAND/THUMB ORTHOSIS EA PDACSuggested code: L3807/L3809 APPROVEDSwivel joint for ulnarDEVIATION HAND/THUMBDORSAL ORTHOSESor radial deviationPDACAPPROVEDDeviation Hand/Thumb OrthosesSame features as Hand/Thumb 4-Strap Deviation Orthosis (p. 130) with unique swivel joint below the wrist that allows Hand/Thumb OrthosesSame features as lateral and medial positioning to accommodate ulnar or radial deviation. 4-Strap Hand/Thumb Orthosis (p. 130) with unique Optional Finger Separator (sold separately, below) helps prevent pressure swivel joint below the wrist that allows lateral and medialbetween fingers. Choose soft, removable, machine-washable Terrycloth or positioning to accommodate ulnar or radial deviation. Soft,antimicrobial Headliner cover. One size (Adult). Fits left or right. Navy.removable, machine-washable Terrycloth cover. One sizeSizing: See chart on p. 130. Pediatric sizes on p. 184.(Adult). Fits left or right. Navy. #52906ADULT, TERRYCLOTH EASwivel joint for ulnar #52907ADULT, HEADLINER EASizing: See chart on p. 130. or radial deviation#528924-STRAP DEVIATION HAND/THUMB ORTHOSIS EA #51737FINGER SEPARATOR, TERRYCLOTH EASuggested code: L3807/L3809 PDAC Suggested code: L3807/L3809APPROVEDDorsal Resting SplintsFAX800.437.2966n Easy to apply, wont triggerIntegrated thumb supportflexor spasticityDorsal Resting Splints Terrycloth cover AliMed.com 866.936.2987Traditional volar splints have twoComfyprene cover main problems: pressure from the splintshown in Light Bluesurface can increase tone in wrist and finger flexors while trapping heat. TheThree padded straps ensure secure fit PDACresult? Poor patient compliance. Ourn Allows use of fingers Sizing: See chart on p. 130. APPROVEDDorsal Splint allows maximum ROM without triggering flexor spas ticityDorsal Hand OrthosesPediatric sizes on p. 182.because contact is on the dorsal surface while open volar surface keeps handoffer dorsal support of wrist TERRYCLOTH, NAVYcooler and drier, improving comfort and compliance. Unique design allowswhile allowing increased use#51735*ADULTEAeasy application and removal without painful finger-prying. Slip fingers throughof fingers. Also helps inhibit the opening and gently lift wrist into extension. Three straps provide secure fitflexor tone. Adjustable metal COMFYPRENEand integrated thumb piece allows thumb to rest naturally in slight flexion andframe bends to fit without heat#52910ADULT, LEFT, DK. BLUE EAopposition without risk of skin breakdown. Malleable aluminum core for infiniteor additional tools. Choose soft,#52911ADULT, RIGHT, DK. BLUE EAadjustments at all joints. No heat required. One size. Black. removable, machine-washable#52912ADULT, LEFT, LT. BLUE EA#513419LEFTEA Terrycloth cover or new slim,#52913ADULT, RIGHT, LT. BLUE EA#513418RIGHTEA nonremovable, surface-cleanable*Specify Left or Right. Comfyprene neoprene cover. Suggested code: L3807/L3809LOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 131'