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b'Hot and Cold Therapy Aids CLINIC SUPPLIES n Double seal prevents leaksCold PacksAs effective and durable as competitive brands at a greatHydrocollator ColpaC Up to 30 minutes of soothing cold therapy. low price. Stays cold, yet pliable for up to 30 minutes. Not made withNot made with natural rubber latex.natural rubber latex. Filled with nontoxic silica gelChoose Blue Vinyl or heavy-duty Black Nontoxic silica gel with Blue Vinyl CoverPolyurethane for heavy clinical use Neck HalfVinylHOT AND COLD THERAPY AIDSDouble seal prevents leaksPolyurethaneStandard OversizeCompare and $ave! AliMed vs. ColpaC$ave over 35%* AliMed ColpaCTYPEW x LBLUE VINYL QTY TYPEBLUE VINYLQTY BLACK POLYURETHANEQTYHALF712" x 11"#32704EAHALF#3042EA #31973EA STANDARD11" x 14"#32705EASTANDARD#3043EA #31974EA OVERSIZE11" x 21"#32706EAOVERSIZE#3044EA #31975EA NECK CONTOUR23"L#32707EANECK CONTOUR#3046EA #31976EA *See pricing at AliMed.com.n 30 minutes of moist heat Half Size Neck ContourAliMed and Hydrocollator Moist Heat Packs offer up to 30 minutes of deep moist heat.nNeater, more effective than towelsFAX800.437.2966 Colored tabs allow for packHydrocollator Hot Pack rotation. Reusableeach packCovers eliminate need for will last through hundreds ofmessy towels. Hook-and-loop treatments. Use HydrocollatorStandard fasteners keep steam packs Heating Units (AliMed.com) toin place. Foam-Filled heat. Terrycloth has polyurethane 866.936.2987AliMed.com Oversize foam sandwiched between two layers of heavyweight terry knit weave. Available with and Compare and $ave! AliMed vs. Hydrocollator$ave over 45%*without Pockets. All-Terrycloth version has four ALIMEDHYDROCOLLATOR layers of terrycloth material.SIZEITEM #QTYITEM #QTY WashableSTD., 10"W x 12"L#3672EA#3130EAFOAM-FILLED TERRYCLOTHw /POCKETHALF SIZE, 5"W x 12"L#3673EA#3131EA #3147STD., 10"W x 12"LEANECK CONTOUR, 5"W x 24"L#3674EA#3132EA #3148OVERSIZE, 15"W x 24"LEAOVERSIZE, 15"W x 24"L#3675EA#3133EAFOAM-FILLED TERRYCLOTHw / oPOCKETAdditional sizes available at AliMed.com.#3145STD., 10"W x 12"LEA*See pricing at AliMed.com. #3149NECK CONTOUR, 5"W x 24"LEA#3154OVERSIZE, 15"W x 24"LEA ALL TERRYCLOTHSee all our Hot and Cold Therapy products#3146STD., 10"W x 12"LEAat AliMed.com/hot-cold-modalities #3150NECK CONTOUR, 5"W x 24"LEA#3155OVERSIZE, 15"W x 24"LEA218 LOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com'