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b'Cast SawsBlades MATERIALS AND TOOLSReplacement Blades nSoft start and noise control ease patient anxietyDeSoutter CleanCast CSP-201 Pediatric Cast Saw Systems include CSP-201 cast saw with display screen and cable, battery pack PRO, Inter Connector, power supply, carry case, wrench, and 2 saw blades (25 mm and 29 mm). Microprocessor-controlled voltage booster ensures constant cutting performance with zero deterioration.6\' power cordC7 plugOscillating speed: 14,800-17,500 CPMNoise level: 55 dB(A)Handpiece weight: 11.2 oz.Charging time 3 hrs.2-hour cutting performance n For use with DeSoutterBattery capacity: 30.8 WhCleanCast Saws #713005PEDIATRIC CAST SAW SYSTEMEADeSoutter Saw Blades have an easy-fit mounting hole for convenience. Circular Blades CAST SAWSBLADEScan be rotated up to five times for maximum blade life. 2 12 " CIRCULAR#713010PTFE-COATED5/PK#713011ION NITRIDE COATEDEA#713013TITANIUM NITRIDEEA#713014STAINLESS STEEL5/PK STAINLESS STEEL SEGMENT#71301264 mm 5/PK PEDIATRIC#71301525 mm 5/PK#71301629 mm 5/PK nCordlessallows total freedom n Corded, low voltageof movement DeSoutter CleanCast CC6 Low-DeSoutter CleanCast CSB-100A CordlessVoltage Cast SawsSmooth contours fit High-Power Cast Saw Systems include casthand comfortably while providing ideal cutting saw, 2 rechargeable batteries, battery charger, sawposition. Balanced weight distribution increases blade, hexagon wrench, carry case. maneuverability and helps reduce wrist fatigue. Saw: 64 mm circular blade120V plugOscillating speed9 34 "LVoltage: 22/29 VDCOscillating speed (high): (high): 16,000 CPMWeight: 2.3 lbs.10.8VDC NiMH16,000 CPM; (low): 11,800 CPMNoise level: 68 dB(A)StainlessbatteryCapacity: 2,600 mAhBattery Charger: Supply Weight: 1.9 lbs.Supply frequency: 50-60 HzSteel voltage: 100-240 VACSupply frequency: 50-60 Hz#713006 CC6 LOW-VOLTAGE CAST SAWEA#713009CORDLESS CAST SAW SYSTEMEA FAX800.437.2966 Titanium NitrideDicroniteAliMed.com 866.936.2987n Universal hub fits most cast cuttersM-PACT BladesUniversal hub fits most popular brands of cast cutters, both pin and hex drive. Pin drive offers four blade rotations.n Increased power, runs cooler longer nRapid and efficient cuttingHexagonal drive offers six blade rotations. Available in hardened Stainless Steel forM-PACT American Orthopedic Caston the thickest of body castsuse with plaster, wood, and bone; TitaniumNitride and Dicroniteeach recommendedCuttersHeavy-duty, lightweight, and fast. DeSoutter CleanCastCC4 High-Power for use with plaster, synthetic, and compositeQuiet operation. Hex drive for six-blade rotation.Cast SawsThe knurled grip close to the saw materials. CSA-approved.blade provides the operator with excellent control 11"L10\' power cordHospital-grade plugOne 212"and flexibility of movement.#763321 2 " STAINLESS STEEL BLADE6/PK multi-purpose bladeWrenchOperating instructions13 116 "L110-watt motor2.8 lbs.Oscillating speed:#7256921 2 " TITANIUM NITRIDE BLADEEA1-year warranty6.5 lbs.Blue14,000 CPMNoise level: 70 db(A) #7257021 2 " DICRONITE BLADEEA #7158CAST CUTTEREA #713008CC4 HIGH-POWER CAST SAWEAMORE CASTING SUPPLIESP. 192LOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 191'