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b'Ultrasound Gels and WarmersUltrasound Gels and PadsOriginal Clear Helps see structures below skin betterReusable Acoustic Standoff Pads aid the study of structures just below the skin. Solid, homogeneous, tissue-equivalent gel pad covered by a soft, thin-film cover. Low-attenuation pads are very conformable and wont melt, freeze, or dry out under normal use. Reusable. 4"W x 6"L (10 cm x 15 cm)Clean with soap and water#92137938 " (1 cm) THICK#9213801316 " (2 cm) THICKSterileAquasonic Transmission Gels are the SIZEITEM # QTYITEM # QTYstandard for diagnostic and therapeutic medical ORIGINAL AQUASONIC 100ultrasound applications. Recommended for all1 4 -L BOTTLE (81 2oz)#340012/bxprocedures where a viscous gel is required.5-L BOTTLE#3401ea#34034/csAqueous, hypo allergenic, bacterio static, non-Aquaflex Standoff Gel PadsAqueous,sensitizing, and non-irritating. Acoustically STERILE AQUASONIC 100 flexible, and disposable. Better visualization ofcorrect for a broad range of frequencies. Will20-g PACKET#340248/bxnear-field and superficial struct ures 1-2 cm beneathnot stain clothing or damage transducers. CLEAR AQUASONIC the skin. Requires no gel. Available in Original, Sterile, and fragrance- 1 4 1 2free, color-free Clear. -L BOTTLE (8 oz)#92137512/bx#92177972/cs2 cm H x 9 cm diam.Bacteriostatic and hypoallergenic 1-L BOTTLE#9213766/bx#92177712/cs#9213786/bx 5-L BOTTLE#921377ea#9217784/cs#92171036/csGel WarmersMulti-Bottle SingleMulti-Bottlewith LED Bottle with digital LCDIdeal Lotion and Gel Warmers maintain desired temperature. VariableTHERMASONIC Gel WarmersRapidly and uniformly warm ultrasonic gel to temperature range of 90 to 120F. Dispenser bottles included. 6\'L groundedenhance patient comfort. Consistently monitors and maintains temperature to avoid power cord.overheating. Multi-Bottle Warmers available with LED or digital LCD displays. Wall mountable2-year warrantyWhite Mount on wall or place on countertop. #3541ONE 8-ozUL and CSA approved2-year warrantySingle Bottle: 2 lbs.Multi-Bottle: 3.8 lbs.#3542TWO 8-oz #32871SINGLE BOTTLE#3543ONE 12- or 16-oz #32872MULTI-BOTTLE w/LED#3544THREE 8-oz #32873*MULTI-BOTTLE w/LCD#3545FOUR 8-oz *Includes 3 bottles of ultrasound couplant.customerservice@AliMed.com 800.225.2610 AliMed.com/medical-imaging 7'