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b'Tables and SeatingConvert your table into an echo bed!Echo Bed Pads easily convert any 80" hospital table into an echo bed for a 20" 22" cost-saving alternative. Echo Bed Pads sit atop standard hospital bed 38" Echocardiographyplatforms or stretchers with patient Pad posit ioned laterally so heart is shifted to left. Pull-36" out sections create an 18"W x 20"L or 10"W x 12"L space foroptimal visualization. Polyfoam Pull-out section with removable waterproof vinyl cover and water-resistant seams. 75"12"ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY PAD, 8" THICK10" #9-521BLUE VINYL30" EchostretcherECHOSTRETCHER PAD, 5" THICKPad #931431BLUE VINYLPull-out section Pull-out sections for optimal visualization #931432BLACK VINYLTablesBiodex Echo Pro EchocardiographyMultiuse Power Imaging Tables with TablesErgonomic design provides barrier- StirrupsPneumatic backrest is adjustable from free imaging, minimizing leaning, bending,either side and raises up to 80 from flat position. and reaching to help reduce sonographerDrop section adjustable from either side injury and improve image quality. Cardiacand raises up to 30 from flat scanning cushion drops down andposition. All-welded steel base, top releases from either side of theframe, and scissor lift. Hands-free table for easy patient access.foot control. Built-in hinged window drop. Extra-wide top with 500-lb.10"W x 10"L metal slide bar supports capacity supports bariatric patients.window drop. Retractable, two-position, Naugahyde antimicrobial cover. adjustable stirrups. 450-lb. capacity #922035 ECHO PRO TABLE under normal use. Ships assembled.#936691 POWER IMAGING TABLEFlush-mounted side rails Additional shipping charges may apply.Shown in Specify Royal Blue or Black upholstery.sold separately at AliMed.com Full specifications, additional models, andRoyal Blue upholstery Optional accessories at AliMed.com.optional accessories at AliMed.com.SeatingShown with n Built-in safety brakes Backrest n Color-coordinate with your spacekeep stool in place Foot Operated, Adjustable Stools feature Stools with Safe-Brake Castersa pneumatic foot lever for convenient hands-free feature a lock-in-place mechanism soheight adjustment. Stable aluminum five-point stools never roll away for safer seating base. Available with standard casters in a range casters lock when not in use and unlockof colors to coordinate with your space (see when sitting for full mobility. Pneumaticbelow), and with or without Backrest. Optional height adjustability, stable five-point base,Safe-Brake Casters sold separately below.and durable vinyl seat cover. Adjusts: 19"-24"HPolyfoam seat: 4" thick x 16" diam. Adjusts: 19"-24"HSeat: 4" thick x 16" diam. (w/o Backrest) or 1812" diam. (with Backrest)SeatSeat cover: vinyl upholsteryCAL 133-cover: upholstered vinylCAL 117-compliantcompliantBase: 24" diam.5 Safe-Brake Casters Base: 23" diam.Powder-coated aluminumHigh-density plastic construction construction with brushed chrome accent 250-lb. capacityBlack250-lb. capacityFALLS #712681STOOL #91-313*STOOLDove Gunmetal Taupe #91-314*STOOL w/BACKREST#712202**SAFE-BRAKE CASTERS, 5/setShips same dayPurple Grey Slate Blue Black *Specify color, see chart at left. Avoid runaway stools! if in stock and ordered by 3 p.m. EST Desert Rose Dusty Jade **Ships separately.4 AliMed.com/medical-imaging 800.225.2610 customerservice@AliMed.com'