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b'Dopplers and AccessoriesAccessories DopplersUltraDrape UGPIV Barrier and SecurementSterile, dual-action dressing uniquely designed for use during Ultrasound-Guided Peripheral Intravenous (UGPIV) to reduce procedure time, securement failure, and risk of infection. Provides both barrier protection and securement in one dressing that is cost-efficient and easy to use. Facilitates a no-touch, aseptic procedure without compromising efficacy or impeding visualization. Removable film layer used during ultrasound guidance is easily discarded, eliminating time needed to clean transmission gel from skin prior to securing IV while minimizing securement failure. 50/bx. Dopplex D900Dopplex SD2 withDressing: 3 14 "W x 5 78 "LNot made with natural with Probe EZ8 Wide Beam Proberubber latex#939265ULTRADRAPE Huntleigh Dopplex Handheld Dopplers are pocket-sized for convenience. D900 is non-directional and economical with audio only. SD2 is bidirectional, offering vascular information including flow direction display. Ideal for ABPI assessment. EZ8 (8-MHz) Wide Beam Probe allows for easier location of vessels and ease of maintaining vessel contact during inflation/Fetal Monitoring BeltsSoft wovendeflation (sold separately below).polyester belts stretch easily. Available in Elastic3"W x 5 12 "L x 1"DBuilt-in speaker and output for headphonesAuto shutoffWhite Mesh, Hook-and-Loop, or Button Includes headphones, large carry bag, and gel10 oz.5-year warranty onHole style with or without Buttons. Disposable.unitDopplex SD2: Obstetric capability (audio only) with 2- or 3-MHz OB probePackaged in pairs, one pink and one blue. Not made with natural rubber latex. 50 pr/cs.DOPPLEX D900Elastic White Mesh: 2"W x 48"LHook-and-Loop:#62074*w/PROBE112"W x 42"L, with 1"W x 3"L rounded endsButton#932481EZ8 WIDE BEAM PROBE ONLYHole: 2 38 "W x 48"L, with button holes every 12" DOPPLEX SD2#933860ELASTIC WHITE MESH #933305**w/PROBE#933861HOOK-AND-LOOP #933306w/EZ8 WIDE BEAM PROBE#933862BUTTON HOLE *Specify 5- or 8-MHz probe. #933863BUTTON HOLE w/BUTTONS **Specify 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, 8-, or 10-MHz probe.Ideal for sonographyBiodex Sonography Chairs allow technicians to sit n Ideal for any workspace comfortably while providing BioFit Deluxe Chairs adjust to the user in everysupport at any angle. Modern, possible way. Waterfall front edge tapers downward toergonomic design offers decrease pressure on hamstrings. Chrome base withmultiple adjustments for rolling casters. seat height, back height, and backwards tilt tension, Seat: 1812"W x 17"DBack: 1512"W x 1412"LCAL 117-compliantand features an integratedChrome base250-lb. capacityStool: Adjusts: 23"-28"H seat slider. IncludesChair: Adjusts: 17"-22"H footring for additional #7955 STOOL support and positioning.#7954 CHAIR Seamless vinyl250-lb.Specify color and Vinyl or Nylon upholstery. capacityCharcoal GreyVinyl #937120SONOGRAPHYBlack Blue Grey CHAIRNylonBlack Bluecustomerservice@AliMed.com 800.225.2610 AliMed.com/medical-imaging 5'