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b'Lightweight pressure relief Economical protection Gel protects against pressure and shear. AliLiteGelAliBluepp. 8, 9 pp. 10-13Lower Extremity PositionersSold individuallySold in pairs Sold individually or in pairs SUP FOW TRE REV SUP LAT FOW TRE REV SUP LAT TREComfort Heel Cups secure heel protectionHeel Protector Wraps protect vulnerableHeel CupsRecommended for heel protection that allows for air circulation. Ideal for recoveryheel and ankle areas, particularly the malleoli,during supine surgical procedures where the and radiology. Universal sizing. Sold in pairs. during supine procedures. Secure with hook-and-loopheel is most susceptible to pressure injuries. Provides attachment. Universal sizing. Sold individually. protection without constricting adjustability. 0.35 lb.Hook-and-loop closure93133138 " thick1.7 lbs.Hook-and-loop closure 314"W x 6"L x 134"H1 lb.95-78991-386HEEL CUP, ea9138602 HEEL CUP, prBoot Stirrup Pads shown Smallin a lithotomy boot shownSAM Boot Pads LIT SUP PRO FOW REV SUP LAT LITLithotomy Boot Stirrup PadsIdeal for Dome PositionersLower profile helpsKnee Crutch and Individual PadsUse to universal stirrups where pads protect patientsprevent footdrop in prone while providingcover a knee crutch in lithotomy position. Also lower leg and heel areas from shear. Place insidepressure protection under knees when patient is inuse between knees in lateral position, or under lithotomy boot to protect against nerve damage. supine. Use under the metatarsal or under the foot,sacrum in supine.Sold in pairs.against the board or in Semi-Fowlers. S: 9"W x 11"L x38 "HM: 11"W x 17"L x 14"HL: 20"W x 22"L Standard size: 6"W x 1012"L x 14"H3.5 lbs.SAM version6"W x 14"L x 3"H7 lbs. x 12"Hcompatible with Allen Boots: 27"W x 1412"L (top)5"W x95-11695-942S14" thick (bottom)5 lbs. 95-941M9-244BOOT STIRRUP PAD, pr 95-559L925816SAM BOOT STIRRUP PAD, prPediatric Positioners SUPDesigned specifically for Contoured Leg Rests position and protect your smallest patients knee or calf from pressure. Also use to stabilize patients head while in supine. 7"W x 7"L x 314"H112" contour4.7 lbs.930137 pp. 22, 23Position Guide: SUP Supine LAT Lateral PRO Prone LIT Lithotomy FOW Fowlers TRE Trendelenburg REV Reverse Trendelenburgcustomerservice@AliMed.com 800.225.2610 AliMed.com/positioners 7'