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b'Positioning SetsSingle-Use Foam Positioning SetsSpecialty Positioning Sets include all the necessary positioning components in one convenient kit, saving O.R. setup and cleanup time. Made of economical Polyfoam, these single-use sets help reduce the risk of cross-contamination between procedures while ensuring patients are properly and consistently positioned during any surgical procedure using specialty O.R. tables, such as Jackson, Wilson, or Andrews. Vacuum-sealed to reduce storage. Not made with natural rubber latex.Jackson Table Sets PRO Wilson Frame Sets PRO Andrews Table Sets PROA. B. A. B. A. B.C.C.C. D.D.E.E.F. G.Components:A.Drape ProtectorB.Pad Sleeve Covers (2)C.Bar Protector Components:Components: D.AliSoft Head Positioner A.D.Chest CoverAliSoftA.E.Arm Cradles (2) Head Positioner E.Thigh StrapArm Cradles (2)B.Chest Pillow925938BASIC (A-C ONLY), 6 sets/cs B.Knee Pads F.Arm Cradles (2) C.Hip and Thigh Pad Covers (4)925937ECONOMY (A-D ONLY), 6 sets/cs C.Seat Cover G.Heel Protectors (2)9259366 sets/cs 925939STANDARD (ALL), 6 sets/cs9259406 sets/csBasicProne Gel Positioning SetsSelect AliGel Prone Positioning Sets PRO AliLite Prone Positioning Sets PROSupineProne Basic A. A.A. B. C. D. Lateral Prone A. B. C. D. E.C.Supine Select SupineCardiovascular Prone Cardiovascular E.B. LateralC. B. D.Supine D.A.Prone Head Pad C.Chest Rolls, pr A.Prone Headrest, Adult D. Knee Support, LargeB.Armboard Pads, Large, pr D.Dome Positioner B.Armboard Pads, Contoured Long, prE.Heel Pads, prC. Prone Positioner, Full Body Cardiovascular Cardiovascular937919 937921Positioning Sets available in more materials and styles at AliMed .com/ positionerscustomerservice@AliMed .com 800.225.2610 AliMed .com /positioners 19'