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b'Operating Room AccessoriesTRENDELENBURG POSITIONINGKYRA Comfort Lithotomy Stirrup (pair)Allows for more rangeof motion and work spacewhile reducing pressure#2970017786See p. 11 for detailsC.D. B.A.SecureFitTPSSimple, secure, reusable with unobstructed chest and IV access#2970015137AliBlueGelHead DonutReduces pressure whileoffloading the occipitalprotuberance#2970017924Full product list on next pageA. B. C. D.SecureFit TPSTrendelenburg Safety SystemsSimple. Secure. Reusable. SecureFits contoured foundation and conforming gel surface provides betterContoured design cradles the UnobstructedEasy Patient-conforming gel pad patient positioning in less time, takingscapula region, avoiding contact chest access IV access protects against skin shear andsafety, stability, and surgical access towith the brachial plexus redistributes pressure evenlythe next level.Scan to see SecureFit TPS in use, full specifications, and white papers14 LOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com800.225.2610'