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b'PositionersSocketsSURGICAL TABLE ACCESSORIESSlide-On Table Socketsaccept Flat Blades or Round Posts 8" Positioner pivots and adjusts horizontallyn Safely prep extremities at any angleUniversal Positioners safely and securely FLAT OR ROUND support upper or lower extremities of any size. Positioner pivots and adjusts horizontally with attached bracket while post pivots, rotates, and adjusts vertically to accommodate any angle when used with a Clark Socket (sold separately at left). Features a 2"-thick conductive-covered pad with T-Foam for maximum pressure management.Post pivots, Round post. rotates, POSITIONERSSOCKETSClark Socket Plus Slide-Onand adjusts accommodates round posts AND flat bladesStainless steel with aluminum3-year limited warranty verticallytoo. Durable stainless steel construction ensures#932528UNIVERSAL POSITIONEREACHlong life and securely attaches accessories to side California residents, see left page.rails. Teeth won\'t chip or wear downever. Slides on between standoffs.23/4"W x 3 78 "H x 13/4"DStainless steel2 lbs.Accepts round posts up to 1116" diameterAccepts flat blades up to 1"W x 14" thickFits all O.R. tables with standardn Stable-yet-flexible knee positioningU.S. side rails ( 38 "W x118 "H)Rotates 360 in 9 increments3-year limited warranty TKR SupportsShown with single-use pad#937130CLARK SOCKET PLUS SLIDE-ONEACH allow surgeon to replace the knee whileCalifornia residents, see left page. the patients foot rests firmly in place. Patients nono perative leg lies flat. Stainless steel construction. Includes black, conductive, single-use pad. Pad is not made with natural rubber latex. Round post, compatible Accepts round posts or at blades with a Clark Socket, sold separately at left. #931889TKR SUPPORTEACHAdd a layer of protection California residents, see left page.to your tobogganFAX800.437.2966n 22 more lithotomy range of motion AliMed.com 888.226.3288Comfort 350 Lithotomy StirrupsUnique n Disposablereduces risk of design provides 22 more lithotomy range of cross-contamination motion (+85 to -55) than traditional stirrups for Disposable Toboggan LinersSingle- unparalleled site access during robotic-assisted patient-use, convoluted Polyfoam liners offerprocedures. Offers additional 4" of working space protection without the risk of cross-contamination.and extra padding, protecting the medial and lateral Fits all toboggan styles and sizes. Can be cut toaspect of the ankle to reduce pressure injury risk. size.Curved support rods and easy pneumatic lifting 20"W x 8"H x 2" thickPolyfoameliminate dangerous pinch hazards. Hook-and-loopEliminates straps. Sold in pairs.#930159TOBOGGAN LINER12 PAIRS/CASE 350-lb. capacity pinch hazards California residents, see left page. #960676COMFORT 350 STIRRUPSPAIR California residents, see left page.Also available with anti-shear gel protection, p. 9 LOG IN FOR PRICING at AliMed.com 15'