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WALC 6 Functional Language

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WALC 6 Functional Language
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WALC 6 Functional Langauge #2970011100
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  • High interest content and functional activities
  • Covers broad scope of skills

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WALC 6 Functional Language Keep client interest high with fresh content and functional activities. These 300 pages of exercises cover a broad scope of skills including orientation, auditory comprehension, verbal expression, and reading comprehension. The activities target these skills: Temporal and Spatial Orientation (recognize, understand and use time concepts in everyday activities), Nonverbal Communication (using gestures and pantomime), Oral Motor /Speech Production (phoneme-specific exercises ranging from the single word level to sentence level), Verbal Expression (single word level through the structured and unstructured conversation levels), Auditory Comprehension (single word comprehension and discrimination to comprehending and recalling multiple paragraph information), Reading Comprehension (individual letters all the way through the paragraph and functional reading level), and Written Expression (writing information about themselves and writing checks). Includes answer key.

313 pages, softcover

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