

Using a Hand Brace for Tendonitis Relief

June 12, 2024

individual putting on hand braceTendonitis is an inflammation or irritation of a tendon, the thick fibrous cords that attach muscle to bone. This condition can cause significant pain and restrict the range of motion in the affected area. When tendonitis affects the hand, it can make everyday activities challenging. Hand braces are commonly used to provide relief from tendonitis symptoms. This article explores the role of hand braces in managing tendonitis, their types, benefits, and tips for proper use.  

What is Tendonitis?

Tendonitis in the hand often results from repetitive movements, overuse, or sudden injuries. Symptoms of hand tendonitis include pain, tenderness, swelling, and difficulty moving the affected joint. This condition can affect various tendons in the hand and wrist, leading to different types of tendonitis. The most common types that affect the hand are De Quervain's syndrome, trigger finger, and wrist tendonitis.  

  • De Quervain's Syndrome, also known as De Quervain's Tenosynovitis, involves inflammation of the tendons on the thumb side of the wrist, specifically the abductor pollicis longus and the extensor pollicis brevis tendons. 
  • Trigger Finger, also known as stenosing tenosynovitis, occurs when the tendon sheath in a finger becomes inflamed, causing the finger to get stuck in a bent position. The flexor tendons in the fingers are most commonly affected. 
  • Wrist Tendonitis refers to the general inflammation of the tendons around the wrist. It can affect multiple tendons and is often associated with repetitive stress injuries. 

Does a Hand Brace Help Tendonitis?

Yes, a hand brace can be incredibly beneficial for tendonitis in the hand. By providing support and stability to the affected area, a hand brace helps reduce strain on the tendons and allows them to heal properly. Additionally, wearing a hand brace can help reduce inflammation and pain associated with tendonitis, making it easier to perform everyday activities without discomfort.

Types of Hand Braces

There are several types of braces available that can help with tendonitis in the hand. Some braces are specifically designed to target certain areas of the hand, such as the wrist or thumb, while others provide more general support to the entire hand. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine which type of brace is best suited for your specific needs and condition.  

  • Wrist Splints stabilize the wrist, preventing movements that could exacerbate tendonitis. They are commonly used for wrist tendonitis and De Quervain's syndrome. 
  • Thumb Spica Splints are specifically designed for De Quervain's syndrome, these splints immobilize the thumb and wrist, reducing strain on the inflamed tendons. 
  • Finger Splints are used for conditions like trigger finger, where they keep the affected finger in a straight position to prevent it from locking or catching. 
  • Compression Gloves or Wrist Sleeves provide overall support and compression, which can help reduce swelling and pain in the hand. 

How Do You Fix Tendonitis in the Hand?

In addition to using a hand brace for support, there are several other ways to manage tendonitis in the hand. Resting the affected hand, applying ice packs, and performing gentle stretching exercises can all help reduce pain and inflammation associated with tendonitis. Physical therapy may also be recommended by your healthcare provider to strengthen the muscles surrounding the affected tendons. 

Should I Wrap My Hand If I Have Tendonitis?

While wrapping your hand may provide some temporary relief from pain and swelling associated with tendonitis, using a specialized hand brace is generally more effective in providing long-term support and stability. Hand braces are designed to fit comfortably around your hand and wrist while still allowing for mobility, making them an ideal choice for individuals dealing with tendonitis.  

Using a hand brace for tendonitis relief can be highly beneficial in reducing pain, promoting healing, and improving overall comfort during everyday activities. By choosing the best brace suited for your specific needs, you can effectively manage your symptoms of tendonitis in the hands while maintaining comfort and mobility throughout your daily activities.  

Want to learn more? Explore our additional resources on splints and braces:  


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