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Made to Order Toboggan and Table Width Extender Quote Request

Fill out this form and receive a FREE personalized quote!

* Denotes a required field

Step 1 - Select style

Choose your preferred Toboggan and Width Extender style below.

Toboggan and Table Width Extenders are made of Vivak® a crystal clear, extremely strong and radiolucent material.

Style *

Step 2 - Measure

Tell us the dimensions you require based on the diagram above.

(enter dimensions in inches)

L *
H *
D *

Step 3 - Padded toboggan cover (optional)

Would you like to add a Padded Toboggan Cover? Made from T-Foam and covered in black, anti-sheer, elastic vinyl, the cover is designed to help reduce pressure and patient discomfort.

Adding a cover adds a longer production and delivery time.

Add Padded Cover

Step 4 - Enter contact information

Contact Person *
Sales Rep (if applicable)
Email Address *
Phone *
Facility Name *
Billing Address *
Address 2
City *
State *
Zip *
Shipping Address
(if different from billing)
Address 2
Account #
(if applicable)
Additional notes

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